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Chapter 1 What kind of government do we have republic The term freedom as used in the text is synonymous with liberty A principle that states each citizen has one and only one vote is a principle of political equality According to the ancient Greeks a citizen was anyone who was knowledgeable of and actively participated in government Who most strongly believes that government should promote equality and provide social services liberals Which of the following statements describes America s growing population since its founding the number of elderly Americans has grown and the number of children eighteen and under has declined According to Figure 1 1 Trust in Government 1958 2011 the trend line of Americans trust in the federal government rose in the 1990s and peaked in 2002 The gambling industry in your state wants to change the state constitution to allow gambling It organizes a campaign through voter signatures and puts its proposal directly on the ballot This is called a n ballot referendum The bourgeoisie of western Europe wanted to promote political participation for the middle classes The formal institutions that rule a people are called its government According to your textbook why are knowledgeable citizens more engaged in politics because they understand how politics affects their lives Individuals who claim that government should have unlimited political power are totalitarians According to Harold Lasswell politics is who gets what when they get it and how Which of the following is the primary responsibility of the federal government protection from domestic or foreign threats A direct democracy is a system in which all members of the polity meet to discuss policy and make decisions Throughout U S history Americans have been suspicious of strong government In a democracy sovereignty is vested in the people Laissez faire capitalism has been limited by public opinion which opposes capitalism Americans are less supportive of income redistribution than Europeans Which of the following is not a principle of our democracy complete freedom A system of government that recognizes no formal limits on its power is called totalitarian Some states allow ballot referenda or popular initiatives which are forms of direct democracy Which of the following is an accurate description of American s view of government Americans tend to have high expectations for what government can accomplish Many of the conflicts in American politics today revolve around the proper scope of government The U S definition of liberty refers to personal and economic freedom The belief that citizens can affect government is called political efficacy The United States core political values are liberty equality and democracy Promoting equality of outcome among citizens requires more government activity than does promoting equality of opportunity The majority of Americans believe that government is run by a few big interests and that government officials don t care what people think The term used to describe this would be low efficacy Realistically the United States did not become a full practicing democracy until the 1960s Trust in government in the United States has declined in the last fifty years Which of the following is not part of the U S political culture belief in equality of results In an indirect democracy public policies are determined by representatives Chapter 2 According to your text which of the following statements best articulates the motives of the framers at the Constitutional Convention in Philadelphia the framers interests were reinforced by their principles When was our current constitution written 1787 Under the Great Compromise small states were given an advantage in the senate An important issue dividing Federalists and Antifederalists was the threat of tyranny meaning generally unjust rule by the group in power from the antifederalists perspective the fear of an aristocracy from the federalists perspective rule by the passions of the majority The Declaration of Independence and the Articles of Confederation were not sufficient to hold the new nation together as an independent and effective nation state Which of the following statements is false many of the pre and post revolutionary radicals small farmers artisans and shopkeepers wanted a strong national government to protect their economic interests Under the original unamended Constitution the only person s elected directly by the people was were members of the House of Representatives The United States first written constitution was the Articles of Confederation The Virginia Plan was favored by large states since it emphasized the importance of size and wealth What is a limitation drawback of liberty as a political principle limits on government action can inhibit effective government Which of the following concepts best explains the underlying reason for the Bill of Rights limited government Prior to the twentieth century most governments relied on for revenue tariffs duties and other taxes on commerce What or who were Publius and Brutus the pen names used in essays written defending Publius and attacking Brutus the proposed U S Constitution The Tenth Amendment reserves power not granted to the national government to the states Which of the following statements is true about the Three fifths Compromise under this compromise five slaves would count as three free persons in apportioning seats in the House of Representatives Most of the Constitutional amendments ratified since the Bill of Rights in 1791 have been directly or indirectly concerned with structure or composition of government The purpose of the first ten amendments was to provide clear limitations on the powers of national government Antifederalists wanted a more decentralized government According to the text which two important colonial groups organized together in opposition to the taxes imposed by the Stamp Act and the Sugar Act New England merchants and southern planters One of the key underlying themes of the original Constitution was promoting cooperation among branches of government The First Continental Congress met in 1774 Which of the following actions did the delegates at the Congress take they called for a total boycott of British goods The Connecticut Plan provided for which of the following a unicameral legislature consisting of two members from each state directly elected by the people The New Jersey Plan called for each state to have equal representation in

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