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1 If nation goes to war all of its attention and resources will go towards war not internal problems in US E People were uncomfortable going to war with nations that were imperial powers Key Terms Committee on Public Information Palmer raids liberty cabbage Espionage Act I A New Kind of War A Introduces new weapons chemical warfare barbed wire II What took the US so long to get involved A Many people didn t support the war B A large number of Americans had ethnic ties to one side or the other C Not clear to which side US loyalties will lie D Many Americans were interested in progressive reform F US remains neutral until 1917 1 But they tend to be leaning away from Germany G Wilson believes this war is important 1 Could be the war to end all wars 2 Thinks it can cause diplomacy to rely on compromise instead of war 3 Peace without victory 4 Proposes 14 Points a League of Nations b Freedom of the Seas Nations can come together and discuss instead of going to war H Wilson runs for re election and his slogan is He Kept Us Out of the War 1 Wilson isn t acting neutral trade with Allies triples trade with Germany falls a Loan Germany 27 Million loan Great Britain 2 2 Billion I Not the Lusitania III US Involvement Begins A Nation is very financially invested in war 1 Lending money supplies etc on a credit 2 They ll only get money back if that side wins B Zimmerman Telegraph 1 Telegraph between Germans saying they ll make a deal with Mexico a If Mexico attacks US and distract them Germany will come back later and help Mexico 2 Threat to national security C Germans decide they ll begin submarine warfare again after they promised US they wouldn t D Wilson asks Congress to declare war 1 We must go to war to make the world a safer democracy 2 To protect the rights of others around the world E Almost entire Congress supports war IV Getting the War machine up and running A Need to coordinate and organize everything B War Industries Board 1 Tells farmers what they need to grow 2 Tells railroads which trains get priority on their tracks 3 Distributes goods and requires rationing from citizens 4 Take over companies and tell them what to do C New revolution in government not exactly a democracy 1 Gives government more power than they ve ever had 2 Suspend anti trust laws scares Progressives 3 Has to make sure people go to work new job opportunities better work conditions better wages a Millions of people move to cities for jobs great migration out of rural areas and the south D Need 5 million men but they don t get 5 million volunteers 1 Draft begins 2 Selective Service Act allows gov t to draft men of a certain age 3 Drafted regardless of your age ethnicity race class 4 Huge holes in American society many people aren t healthy enough strong enough smart enough to serve 5 Most armed forces are immigrants and African Americans cid 127 cid 127 cid 127 cid 127 a Blacks in segregated units E Paying for the war 1 Raise taxes hits mostly wealthy Americans 2 Excess taxes on corporations making huge profits because of the war 3 Liberty Bonds a American people lend gov t money by buying bonds for war and gov t will pay them back in 30 years with interest b Treasury agents boy scouts go door to door asking people to buy bonds 4 Government needs to sell war to American people F CPI Committee on Public Information 1 Gov t funded propaganda agency to sell war to citizens 3 4 minute men 4 Produce movies 5 George Creel is in charge 2 Distribute pamphlets across the country to explain why we re going to war or why people should join the war effort 6 Ask people to spy on neighbors coworkers and report if they re doing anything suspicious or unpatriotic 1 Drop ethnic affiliations become 100 American 2 Concerned about loyalties people have for their countries 3 First Amendment to say whatever you want does not apply anymore G Extreme hatred for Germans 1 German newspapers shut down 2 Public schools stop teaching German 3 Orchestras stop playing German songs 4 Cities stop selling pretzels 5 Change names of things if they are German 6 Vigilante attacks on people who are German or even seem to be 7 Internment camps for Germans who can t return to Germany H Espionage Act Sedition Act 1 Federal offense to use disloyal language about constitution gov t uniform etc

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