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Exam 2 Review Chapter 4 Police History and Function 1829 England Frankpledge neighborhood watch of 10 families Limited authority local control fragmented organization Constable paid policemen before system was set up 10 constables shire county Head of shire shire reevy modern day sheriff Metropolitan Police Act Robert Peele Established first uniform police force sanctioned by government centralized 4 Objectives o Prevent crime without repressive force o Maintain public order by nonviolent means o Reduce conflict between public and police o Show efficiency through defense of crime and disorder American History Colonial slave patrols and watch systems Political Era 1840 1920 very corrupt could easily pay off police officers chief of police foot patrol public service sheriffs us marshals Professional Model Era 1920 1970 o Development of International Association of Chief Polices and Fraternal Order of Police formal training code of ethics The force should stay out of politics Members should be well trained well disciplined and tightly organized Laws should be enforced equally The force should use new technology Personnel procedures should be based on merit The main task of the police should be fighting crimes Community Policing Era 1970 present o Keep order and provide services Broken Windows Theory if there is disorder in the community that leads to criminal behavior cause the criminal believes no one cares nor will do anything about it o Police rely on citizens for assistance Next Era Homeland Security o Expanding priorities specialization services o Immigration laws Border Patrol IIRIRA o Terrorist oriented policing Current Police Functions Order Maintenance prevent behavior that disrupts police Law Enforcement intervening where laws have been violated Services assistance to public Organization of Police Division of Labor Bureaucracy Headquarters o Management and Support Services Division o Investigations Division o Field Operations patrol o Chain of command military style organizational model with Law Enforcement Agencies ranks Federal Agencies type responsibilities o 30 Federal Agencies o FBI investigates all federal crimes and protects from terrorism o DEA drug enforcement o IRS tax laws o ATF alcohol tobacco gun control and bombings o US Marshals judicial services apprehend federal fugitives o Border Patrol immigration laws o Secret service executive protection monetary laws o 50 state police departments o Highway patrol state centralized police force jurisdiction o 3 063 Sheriff departments o More prevalent in southern western states sheriff is elected as State entire state County chief of police Native American o 135 178 NA police agencies o Enforce tribal criminal laws throughout their land to NA and non NA Municipal o Town city police vary in size Special Jurisdiction o Campus police Park police Police Recruitment Agency requirements o US citizen age 21 39 high school diploma clean arrest record etc Current police profile race ethnicity gender of police o Growing percentage of minorities and women Police training o Police academy FLETC for federal officers socialization Police subculture o The symbols beliefs values and attitudes shared by members of a subgroup of a larger society o Elements of the subculture i e isolation stress Working personality danger and authority Officers becoming isolated from the rest of the community causes stress Police policy and style Watchman emphasizes order maintenance tolerates minor violations Legalistic emphasizes strict enforcement reduces discretion Service individual treatment of citizens nonpublic Chapter 5 Contemporary Issues in Policing Discretion officer s judgment as to how to handle ambiguous situations Five factors of discretion Nature of the crime Relationship between the alleged criminal and victim Relationship between police and criminal victim Race ethnicity gender age class Departmental policy Police Abuse of Power Legitimate force expressive force police brutality Police use force infrequently Police use of force typically occurs in the lower end of the force spectrum and involved grabbing pushing or shoving Use of force typically occurs when police are trying to make an arrest and the suspect is resisting Issues of Discretion Corruption o Grass eaters accept payoffs that come their way 20 bribe instead of ticket o Meat eaters actively use power for personal gain conduct illegal search for money Accountability o Internal Affairs Unit o Civilian Review Board Delivery of Police Services Reactive incident driven policing go where they are called Proactive directed patrol hot spot policing Community Policing Homeland Security Focus Private Policing Police accountability Types internal affairs civilian review police standards civil liability How we measure police productivity Comp stat frequent meetings among police supervisors to examine crime statistics and develop approaches for future crime prevention Clearance rate percent of crimes known to the police that they believe have been solved through an arrest measures productivity Answering calls for help maintaining a police presence and probing Patrol suspicious circumstances Current issues in police patrol Preventative Patrol o Making police presence known to deter crime o Kansas City Preventative Patrol Experiment neither a decrease or increase occurred in patrol activity had an effect on crime Hot Spots o Directed patrol to known high crime areas o May cause criminals to move to other areas Foot Motorized Patrol o Only occurs in selected neighborhoods or districts with high business Aggressive Patrol community o Foot patrol is effective in hot spot policing o Maximizes the number of police interventions in the o Raids sting operations zero tolerance policing o Can lead to citizen hostility Community Policing o Community based crime prevention o Changing the focus of patrol activities to nonemergency services o Making the police more accountable to the public o Decentralizing decision making to include residents Problem oriented policing address a broad array of problems that affect quality of life Future of Patrol spots o Rise in community policing evidence based policing hot o Local police officers must be aware of terrorist activity Police and community relations Community crime prevention o Programs through which criminal justice officials cultivate relationships with and rely on assistance from citizens in preventing crime and apprehending offenders within

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