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PSY 388 03 Study Guide Exam 1 Professor Michikyan Psy Bio 388 N Sex Gender Sex Gender Gender stereotypes stereotype threat Personality traits Sexism Modern neosexism vs old fashioned sexism Forms of sexism e g hostile sexism benevolent sexism Sexism directed at men and women Aging stereotypes and double standard Schema The steps in the scientific method Theory vs Hypothesis Operational definition Sample vs Population Qualitative vs Quantitative Method Research design experimental observational correlational Discourse analysis naturalistic observation longitudinal analysis meta analysis Biases in research Gender media Freud the Freudian Theroy the Oedipus complex the Electra complex Gender Role Gender Identity Social Dominance theory Social Role Theory Social Learning Theory Interactive Model of Gender Role Behavior Gender constancy gender stability consistency Peers gender development Gender social interactions Gay Lesbian Bisexual identity developmental stages Transgendered transsexual intersexed Interactionist view nurture vs nature Independent vs Dependent variables STUDY GUIDE PSY 388 03 SEX biological and physiological characteristics Biological o Chromosomes Female XX Male XY o Hormones Female Estrogen Male Testosterone Physiological o Sex Organs Female Vagina Male Penis GENDER a cultural and social construct Femininity Masculinity TRAITS Women Sentimental Submissive Talkative Superstitious Expressive Independent Men Dominant Adventurous Realistic Instrumental Physical Attractiveness central part of women s self concept Women are less satisfied with their body appearance and function than men Heavy weight is often linked to low self esteem ROLES based on societal norms expectations Women Homemaker o Cooking o Cleaning o Caretaking OCCUPATIONAL ROLES Women Teacher Nurse Secretary Men Provider o Go getter o Leading o Decision Making Men Scientist Doctor CEO Manager Occupations lose status as they become dominated by women Occupations gain status as they become dominated by women Example Cook vs Chef PSY 388 03 BEHAVIOR Women Emotions o Crying Language o Indirect o Elaborate Calm PHYSICAL APPEARANCE Women Thinness o Small Waist Feminine Features o Long Hair Men Emotions o Anger Language o Direct o Brief Aggressive Men Muscular o Sculpted Abs Masculine Features o Short Hair GENDER STEROYPTES the beliefs about the characteristics associated with and the activities appropriate to men or women Beliefs based on one s sex Based on the notion of opposite Expectancies when we have little info about the person Battle of the sexes idea of opposites Stereotypes can be an accurate reflection of a group s norms Overgeneralization o Applying to every member of the group o Not allowing for variation about the group s norm Example of Overgeneralization All women have superior verbal abilities compared to men STEREOTYPES 2 Kinds 1 DESCRIPTIVE what the typical woman and man are like 2 PRESCRIPTIVE what the typical man and woman should be like THE PROCESS OF STEREOTYPING Can be activated automatically o Can affect behavior w out conscious awareness Information Processing 1 SCHEMAS mental scripts that guide behavior Focus attention to and remember information that fits a stereotype 2 Self fulfilling Prophecy Behaving in ways we think others expect us to behave confirming the PSY 388 03 expectations Stereotype Thinking Stereotype Purpose type of heuristic mental shortcut fast judgment Begins at age 3 Starts with one s own sex then generalizes Causes people to ignore information that does not fit the stereotype Learned and maintained through experience illusory correlation GENDER THREAT a phenomenon that occurs in situations in which the presence of negative stereotypes affects the performance of those to whom the stereotype applies The fear of being negatively stereotyped Influences on women and ethnic minorities to perform poorly o Example Experiment was conducted on a group of African Americans one stereotype was activated African Americans score poorly on exams Result showed that the African Americans who were told this stereotype focused on not making errors instead of answering the question o Self prophecy SEXISM the negative evaluation of persons or their activities because of their sex Can be used against both genders o Judged harshly o Not be taken seriously o Deprived from opportunities because they are women or because they are men OLD FASHION SEXISM Overt Openly endorses stereotypic judgments Endorse the idea that men and women should be treated differently Example Women should stay at home and look after their families instead of working Sexist attitude ideas MODERN SEXISM NEOSEXISM Subtle Characterized by a denial that women are still targets of discrimination Resistance toward women s demands and lack of support for policies designed to improve women s status Affirmative action has made it so that it is much easier for women to get jobs and get promoted than it is for men FORMS OF SEXISM HOSTILE SEXISM Old Fashioned Negative attitudes toward women PSY 388 03 o Women are just not naturally good at math o Women are naturally good at taking care of children BENEVOLENT SEXISM Modern Neosexism Positive attitudes that serve to belittle women and keep them subservient Women need to be protected Women are delicate Sexism directed at men and women aging Gender stereotypes become less pronounced for older people As women age Seen as less feminine Feel losing value Unattractive unfriendly and More anxious about the gaining unintelligent process Double Standard In North America As men age Seen as distinguishable and having higher social status Experience diminished status when retire or lose job A woman s worth associated with her appearance A man s worth associated with success and wealth o Feminine features o Masculine features SCIENTIFIC METHOD Based on empiricism information data collected using our senses Data are used to make statements facts Collection of facts used to develop theories Theories provide explanations for a set of facts Gather info Analyze info Interpret info 6 BASIC STEPS OF RESEARCH 1 Select a topic and review existing research a Research question should be focused specific 2 Develop a theory generate hypothesis and select method 3 Obtain approval 4 Collect data PSY 388 03 5 Analyzed data and reevaluate theory 6 Report results THEORY a set of ideas that integrates findings and allows for explanations and predictions A set of ideas that explains why and how things happen

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