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PSY 388 03 1 ORGASM CLIMAX Build up tension which triggers pleasurable sexual release o Usually brief a few seconds to less than a minute o Rush of pleasurable physical sensation Clitoris shows no changes No changes in the labia Uterus undergoes wavelike contractions No changes in breasts and nipples Sex flush deepens Loss of voluntary muscle control and spasms of some muscles Respiration heart rates blood pressure reach peak levels Female Male Penis urethra undergo contractions and expel semen No changes in testes scrotum Nipples remain erect Sex flush deepens Loss of voluntary muscle control and spasms of some muscles Heart rate blood pressure respiratory rate reach peak levels 2 RESOLUTION Female The body begins to relax and return to an unexcited state Clitoris returns to non aroused state loses its erection Vaginal walls relax return to non aroused coloration Uterus lowers to usual position Labia returns to non aroused state size color Breasts and nipples return to non aroused size position color Sex flush disappears Muscles relax rapidly Respiration rate blood pressure normal levels Perspiration may appear Male Penis erection is lost rapidly at first then more slowly Scrotal skin relaxes returns to non aroused thickness Testes return to non aroused size position in the scrotum Refractory period cannot be re stimulated to orgasm Nipples return to non aroused size Sex flush disappears Muscles relax rapidly Respiration rate blood pressure normal levels Perspiration may appear PSY 388 03 KAPLAN S THREE PHASE MODEL Sex researcher and therapist Initially proposed 2 phase sexual response o 1st Vasocongestion Phase or buildup of tension o 2nd Orgasmic Release Phase orgasmic burst and then body gradually returns to unexcited state o 3rd Desire Phase body s psychological responses to arousal A modification to Masters Johnson model adding in subjective emotional aspects of sexual arousal DO MEN OR WOMEN EXPERIENCE MULTIPLE ORGASMS Females can experience multiple orgasm Most males do not experience multiple orgasm due to the refractory period o Can develop muscle control to separate orgasm from ejaculation 14 of women surveyed reported having multiple orgasms Kinsey report Most if not all women have the potential for more than one orgasm Through what means o Masturbation o Stimulation by a partner o Sexual intercourse o By all 3 types of stimulation IS THERE SUCH THING AS A G SPOT G spot named after Dr Grafenberg o This sensitive spot is not found in most women o An area on the inner front wall of the vagina that may become particularly sensitive o Sensationalized by media pop culture CAN WOMEN EXPERIENCE EJACULATION Some women ejaculate a semen like substance from their urethra at the time of orgasm o Not urine o May be due to the Skene glands located on the anterior wall of the vagina 40 reported that they had experienced such ejaculation When women assume that this fluid is urine what are they more likely to do WHAT CAN INFLUENCE HUMAN SEXUAL AROUSAL AND RESPONSIVENESS Cultural beliefs and values Religious spiritual beliefs Beliefs about the self and the partner s Social and emotional rewards External cues stimuli PSY 388 03 Interpretation of reaction stimulations Memories Dysfunctions psychological disorder Age Social rules standards SOCIAL STANDARD The Heterosexual Standard What are some social standards by which our sexuality and perception of sexuality are primarily based on o Penis vagina sex between a man and a woman is seen as the standard o Anything other than this is abnormal The Two Person Standard o Suppose to view sex as an activity for 2 o Masturbation is still viewed as a substitute for shared sexual activity esp intercourse o According to this it is still better to experience sex as a duo o Any activity that involves more than two is considered kinky The Orgasmic Standard o You have to reach climax in your sexual relations without this you have not accomplished what you set out for The Romantic Standard o Suppose to relate sex with love o Completion of a relationship is to have sex The Safe Sex Standard o More recent due to fear over HIV AIDS o Emphasis on condom use o Many people still have unprotected sex Despite having all these social standards o People are extremely diverse and variable in their sexual attraction and behaviors SEXUAL LIVES ORIENTATION ARE THERE DIFFERENCES IN HOW MEN AND WOMEN EXPERIENCE SEXUALITY The double standard of expectations for females and males o Assumption o Men are always ready for sex o Have greater sexual desire and need for sexual activity than women do PSY 388 03 o Women need a reason to have sex BASED ON THIS ASSUMPTION WHAT ARE WE LIKELY TO DO Think that it is ok for men to be the sexual aggressors and pursuers Men are helpless before sexual impulses Fault women more than men for being too sexually active Assume women should be responsible for setting limits Minimize the importance of a woman s sexual desire in the relationship Sexually active women are at risk of ruined reputation WHY MIGHT WE THINK THIS WAY Men s failure to take responsibility for controlling their sexual behavior Women s failure to learn about their own capacity of sexual pleasure A reluctance of sexual partners to communicate with each other about their feelings DO WOMEN AND MEN EXPERIENCE SEXUALITY IN THE SAME WAY No Peplau 2003 Anne Peplau 2003 outlined 4 broad differences in women s and men s sexuality 1 SEXUAL DESIRE On many measures men show greater sexual desire than women do Clark Hatfield 1989 Asked several questions o would you go to bed with me Greater number of men said yes to sexual invitation but not one woman agreed DOES THIS MEAN WOMEN ARE LESS INTERESTED IN SEX THAN MEN ARE Men s sex drive is stronger than women s but this does not mean men enjoy more Not necessarily Fear of o Negative evaluation o Sexual violence RESEARCH FOUND sex than women do Men o Thought more about sex o Had more sexual fantasies o Masturbated more often o More willing to initiate sex o More willing to make sacrifices for sex o Less willing to give up sex PSY 388 03 Women may like sex but they do not spend more time thinking about it What are some reasons why women may not report more interest in sex o Perhaps the questions pertain to intercourse which might not be a satisfying form of sexual activity for women o Lack of sexual satisfaction o Those who are willing to respond to sex surveys may not represent the population o Definition of sexual desire may differ o

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