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PSY 388 03 SEX HORMONES adrenal glands Normal range ESTROGEN IN MEN How SEX HORMONES Testes produce male sex hormones androgens testosterone Ovaries produce female sex hormones estrogen and progesterone Both men and women produce testosterone estrogen TESTOSTERONE IN WOMEN How Ovaries produce most of the testosterone Small quantities of testosterone released in the bloodstream by the ovaries o Male 300 1 000 ng dl nanograms per deciliter o Female 15 70 ng dl From the circulating testosterone by aromatase an enzyme produced in liver As men age they tend to make increasing levels of estrogen with decreased In the liver muscle brain and the fat cells production of testosterone o Males with Klinefelters syndrome higher levels of estrogen Sex hormones maintain the structure function of the gonads testes ovaries The secondary sex characteristics differences between sexes that allow us to tell males from females in general Puberty ages 9 14 sex organs mature WHAT IS ONE OF THE MOST IMPORTANT FEATURES OF THE ENDOCRINE SYSTEM Regulation control Negative feedback system regulates the amount of sex hormones secreted Why do we need this Balance o To avoid hormonal imbalance o Ex toilet septum tank REGULATION OF SEX HORMONES Males hypothalamus GnRH stimulates the anterior pituitary to release FSH and LH FSH stimulates the testes to produce sperm and inhibin suppresses the release of FSH And as inhibin decreases the cycle begins again PSY 388 03 Female GnRH stimulates the anterior pituitary to release FSH and LH FSH LH stimulates the ovaries to produce estrogen suppresses FSH LH When the blood level of estrogen declines the cycle begins again SECONDARY SEX CHARACTERISTICS Male Changes in skin Change in voice Changes in body hair region pubic hair tapers toward the naval odor acne are present deepening of voice females and for longer time taller than females Changes in muscle strength Changes in skeleton increase growth on the face chest armpit region and pubic skin thickens sweat oil producing glands become active body the larynx voice box enlarges vocal cords thicken increased muscular strength and wider shoulders bones thicken and become stronger growth spurt later than Female Changes in body hair pubic hair horizontal Changes in skin are present breasts Change in fat deposition Change in pelvic girdle Change in skeletal growth Development of breasts increase growth in the armpit region and pubic region sweat oil producing glands become active body odor acne includes ductile system of the mammary glands within the increased adipose tissue in breasts thighs and buttocks wider than males wider hips decreases females are shorter than males A lot of females who develop early tend to have low self esteem They often feel out of place On average this is what has been reported When boys develop early their status amongst their friend increases If they were to develop later they are teased or looked down upon SEXUAL RESPONSE WHAT IS HUMAN SEXUAL RESPONSE Human sexuality has always been a taboo to discuss in public o Education about sex and sexuality kept secret CULTURE SEX Our CULTURE plays a large role in what we are or are not allowed to discuss about sex and sexuality PSY 388 03 o Northern Europeans believed that sex is not always not talked about o Most Afghan women are not suppose to be sexual at all cover up with burqua o Even US or contemporary America is not always open about sexuality Janet Jackson the Super Bowl WHAT IS HUMAN SEXUAL RESPONSE Part of human sexuality is the actual act of sex o Doesn t apply to all because we have asexual individuals in society For some people based upon their values and beliefs o Sexual relations the purpose of reproduction For others sexual relations are seen more fluid and can be done for pleasure of the woman or man o Was this always true for women o No Women were not suppose to enjoy sex on a pleasure level but rather do it and gain no pleasure from it IN SUM Cannot explain sexual arousal and responsiveness outside of the cultural context In eastern traditions o Sexual response expression of spiritual energies In western traditions o Sexual response is more goal oriented WHY SHOULD WE LEARN ABOUT THE FEMALE MALE SEXUAL RESPONSES It s important to know about the changes the body experiences SYSTEMS OF SEXUAL AROUSAL The central arousal system o Internal factors phenomena of the mind o Fantasizing or remembering about sexual activity The peripheral arousal system o External factors stimuli o Direct touching of the sex organs o Seeing someone who is considered sexy STUDYING HUMAN SEXUAL RESPONSE William Masters and Virginia Johnson 1957 1965 o Carefully observed and monitored of 694 men and women during sexual o The Masters and Johnson Four Phase Model activity 1 Excitement PSY 388 03 2 Plateau 3 Orgasm Climax 4 Resolution This study helped with diagnosis and treatment of sexual disorders and dysfunctions 1 EXCITEMENT Body begins to show signs of arousal o Blood is routed to the pelvic region Erection of penis and arousal of the clitoris and vaginal lubrication Vagina lubricates expands darker in color color change not visible externally Vulva includes labia majora minora thicken and open slightly Breast increase in size nipple become erect Heart rate blood pressure increases Sex flush appears in some darkening of the skin thru the neck breast upper Female abdomen Male Penis becomes erect urethral diameter widens Testes elevate slightly within scrotum Nipples become erect in some Heart rate blood pressure increase 2 PLATEAU Higher level and more maintained arousal o If maintained for sufficient periods of time the build up tension can lead to some special high of sexual enjoyment Clitoris retracts under the foreskin if no direct stimulation Vagina expands and lengthens more Uterus is completely elevated Labia swell more labia minora have deep red coloration Breast increase in size even more and nipples become extremely hard and is maintained Heart rate blood pressure respiration rate increases Sex flush appears in most of the body it spreads Female Male Penis increases in diameter becomes fully erect No changes in scrotum Testes enlarge and elevate up toward the body Cowper glands secrete a few drops of fluid Nipples remain erect Heart rate blood pressure respiratory rate increases Sex flush appears in some and spreads PSY 388 03 3 ORGASM CLIMAX Build up tension which triggers pleasurable sexual release o Usually brief a few seconds to less than a minute o

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