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Lecture Mediterranean World Questions to Consider What was the appeal of Islam to the people of the Arabian Peninsula What is the significance of Islam to Western civilization I Muhammad the Prophet Not divine not the son of God He is a prophet the last one in Islam But he is holy Came into the world in the 6th century 500s 600s Engaged in commerce Married wealthy and lived a healthy lived Had a few children A Life in Mecca Located just along the Red Sea It is an important port city Thriving community of Arab peoples 1 Mecca in the 6 7th century CE a Focal point of Arabia Male dominated society b Tribes clans City dwellers developed a commercial and trade focus Nomadic peoples Caravan peoples c Religion in the region Zoroastrianism Shi a Christians Some people believed in spirits even in inanimate objects sacrifice worship pray d Agricultural center of Arabian Peninsula Many deserts Center point Best place for agriculture e Major caravan stop Wind powered boat or slave labor power People tried not to carry food and water because they needed to only carry things they can sell so people would stop to eat and drink especially in Mecca 2 Muhammad in Mecca Muhammad starts Islam in Mecca 3 Muhammad and the Cave of Hira Muhammad started taking walks hikes and is approached by Angel Gabriel in the Cave of Hira Gabriel gives messaged to Muhammad from Allah and Muhammad spreads these messages B Revelations Muhammad begins his revelations in Mecca 1 The first message Many people laughed and were skeptic of him but he did develop a core group of followers Some other people set out to kill Muhammad so he and his followers were forced to leave Mecca 2 The Quran revealed C Reception of Muhammad the Prophet in Mecca There is only one God Allah and Muhammad was his prophet Caba negative ghostrider II Hijra The Journey from Mecca to Medina A Muhammad in Medina Yathrib Muhammad and his followers flee to Yathrib another important city 1 umma A community of believers Islamic faith 2 Constitution of Medina Muhammad eventually becomes a leader there and rules Medina He creates a constitution for people to live by It contains everyday features along with religious features a Governance of Medina Tax Judiciary b Peoples of the Book c Rights No weapons aloud in Medina No violence allowed Women are to be respected Woman could hold property d Creation of first Islamic state Second is Mecca Medina 1st Eventually get into wars with each other and Muhammad conquers the city of Mecca Impost the constitution of Medina onto Mecca III Victory over Mecca A Conquest in 630 B Muhammad s Integration of Mecca C Iconoclasm Jihad and Arab Assimilation 1 Ka ba Rock that people worship 2 Ramadan Holy month when people fasted Do this in sacrifice of your body proving that Allah is the most important thing to you even more than your own self D Zakat Tax IV Death of Muhammad A Succession 1 Abu Bakr Sunni Muhammad s father in law 2 Ali Shi a Son in law Believed to be the first successor by the Shiites He married Muhammad s daughter Fatima B Orthodoxy 1 Quran Most important book of Islam 2 Hadith Collective sayings or stories of Muhammad 3 Shari a Islamic holy law 4 Five Pillars 1 Profess your face There is only one God Allah Muhammad is a Prophet 2 Must pray everyday five times a day facing towards Mecca 3 Pay the Zakat tax to the poor 4 Observe Ramadan 5 Try and make the pilgrimage at least one time in your life but if you really cannot do it you will be forgiven V Islam and the West Tolerant religion Christianity fights against it

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UCF HIS 2000 - Lecture: Mediterranean World

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