Lecture Imperial Rome Questions to Consider How did life change for Romans in the era of empire What were the political problems and consequences of becoming an empire I Rise of the Roman Empire A Territorial expansion From North Africa to Western Europe and all the way to what we now call Scandinavia Began with western expansion not eastern B New forces acting upon Rome Universal citizenship Latin Right Anytime a Roman Customs Agent is at a port they collect a fee from anything Immigration laws imported or exported this money goes to Rome Corruption they would skim public funds by taking it for themselves with that wealth people began to have an empire of their own There was a large flow of money that wasn t going to the government Very top heavy government those who are wealthy get more those who don t have much don t get much more at all Senators aren t allowed to be in commerce while in office C Socioeconomic Changes Many romans are unemployed about 33 so they become slaves Roman society stagnates roman engineering math science concepts etc were excelling but at this period in time just levels off New order is crested equestrians men who could afford a horse and what comes with it saddle etc these men would need more than one horse to switch off riding throughout the day Calvary unit was created allowed to participate in government honored celebrated and supported allowed to be an equestrian allowed to still partake in business even in government Senators patricians and plebeians were eventually all allowed to partake in business senators would promote their own personal business interest With bread and circuses everything will be fine keep people fed with great entertainment violent shows and we can pretty much do anything we want D Life and Culture in Rome Pater Familia Women had right to own and control property and brings it into her marriage Women s money even if in own name is tied to original family if women gets divorced she has the right to her own money free marriage women are free to hold property free to divorce although father pater familia keeps children if divorced Children were named after mother ex Michelle I Michelle II etc from oldest to youngest II Chaos in Rome culture A Chaos reigns Conservative old order some looked at Rome and looked down on their own Tensions begin between old and new order and created political chaos between the two murders took place in secret or even in middle of senate floor Rome is hit by a terrible plague some blame plague on the empire itself B Slave revolt All over Italian Peninsula Slaves rise against Romans Spartacus 2 year slave revolt C Reformers liberal Response 1 Tiberius Graachus Tribune Military man Looks at roman society and thinks we need reform balanced reform represents old order but not totally one sided o Redistribute land to the landless making them able to be in the army o Loses support by landowners who didn t want to have to divvy up and share land Killed by agents of the senate stabbed to death they tell public that he was killed because he was trying to be a dictator 2 Gaius Graachus Noble figure Tribune Tries to finish his brothers work about 10 years after his murder Repurposed the division of land in Rome Appeals more to the new order Proposes the equestrian class be empowered set prices o grain within city of Rome appeal to the impoverished Suggests an expansion of citizenship to the entire Italian Peninsula Murdered by the senate stabbed to death just like his brother was D Conservative response 1 Marius Elected as a council 7 times in a row with support of senate Supports old order Convinces the senate that the only way to restore order is to get focused on military 2 Sulla Makes huge change in rules for legions anyone including non citizens could be legionnaire eliminated property qualification Uses power to become politically powerful dictator One of the greatest generals of Roman history Many legions who are loyal to him Sulla wants to go on another campaign as Marius is rising but Marius denies it Still Sulla brings his legions to Rome and marches in and demands the command Marius denied and Marius now approves of it He hears that Marius wants to eliminate him forces the senate to elect himself dictator for life forces Marius to go retire on a farm and roots out all of those rooting for Marius 3 years later he says he s done as dictator and resigns II Caesar s Empire Caesar Pompey and Magnus were the 3 men in charge Thought that having three rules is best because if one tried to overrule the others could put him back in check Caesar hears of this and decides to gather armies and come back to Rome Pompey runs they eventually meet up and battle Caesar loses this battle A Conspiracy Pompey ended up being the only one left in the Empire and he forced the Senate to elect him as sole council He forced them to declare Caesar Magnus as outlaws B Triumvirate The three rulers Caesar Pompey Magnus C Pompey dies in battle against Caesar D Julius Caesar attempts at being ruler for life Imperator victorious general Know agustus
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