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AMH2020 July 23rd Chapter 38 The Cold War Civil Rights Rocket Fever and Civil Defense Civil Rights 1946 Six black veterans murdered 1948 Truman ended segregation in civil service and armed forces 1954 Brown V Board of Education 1955 Sweat V Painter o Not allowed to have different schools for blacks and whites specialties 1955 Rosa Parks 1955 Emmett Till lynched 1957 Southern Christian Leadership Conference 1957 Central High School in Little Rock Arkansas 1960 Greensboro North Carolina o Woolworth s lunch counter sit in 1960 Student Nonviolent Coordinating Committee SNNC Space Race Rocket Fever Soviets launched Sputnik I October 4 1954 Soviets launched Sputnik II November 1954 o With a dog to see if space could sustain life National Aeronautics and Space Administration NASA established o Televised Vanguard Missile launch exploded in 1957 o Successful satellite launch 1958 2 5 pounds Civil Defense Civil Defense Act of 1950 o Declared protection of life and property in the United States in case of enemy assault essential element of national security o Established Federal Civil Defense Agency Early Warning System Emergency Radio CONELRAD o Established by Truman in 1951 o Alerted citizens of a Soviet bombing attack o Primary purpose was to limit radio broadcasts which could be used by the bombers to hone in on cities o Became unnecessary with the subsequent development of Intercontinental Ballistic Missile s IBM s and resulted in the creation of the Emergency Broadcast System EBS Civil Defense Agency Published pamphlets such as How to Survive an Atomic Bomb Recruited and organized volunteers Main responsibility left to state and local governments Fall out shelters state and local Duck and Cover o Educational film shown in schools and movie theaters o Families especially mothers responsible for having their children see film Civil Defense Grandma s Pantry Gather food and survive incase of a nuclear attack Civil Defense Family Fallout Shelters Each family encouraged to be responsible for itself Cold War Politics Dwight Eisenhower 1953 1961 John F Kennedy 1961 1963 o Bay of Pigs invasion Cuban propaganda victory o Civil Rights o Freedom Writers organized People go through south in busses to protest inequalities o Cuban Missile Crisis o Assassination Lyndon Baines Johnson 1963 1969 o Civil Rights Social Legislation o Escalated Vietnam War 1968 Year of Dissent January o Tet Offensive begins o North Vietnamese and Vietcong simultaneously attack all major South Vietnamese cities Briefly occupy the American embassy in Saigon o Additional 206 000 U S troops requested by General Westmoreland o His request was denied o U S Gallup poll shows 50 of Americans disapprove of the President s management the war February March o LBJ edges peace candidate Senator Eugene McCarthy in the New Hampshire Democratic presidential primary o President LBJ announces he will not seek re election o Robert Kennedy declares his candidacy for the Democratic presidential nomination on an anti war platform o President Johnson increases bombing of Laos o My Lai Massacre o Martin Luther King Jr was assassinated in Memphis Tennessee riots break out across the country April May o Viet Cong launch Mini Tet rocket and mortar attacks against Saigon and other towns across South Vietnam o U S responds with air strikes into North Vietnam June August o Robert Kennedy fatally shot at the Ambassador hotel in Los Angeles after winning the California Democratic primary o Democratic National Convention in Chicago disrupted by major protest against the war o Hubert H Humphrey wins Democratic presidential nomination o Women s liberation groups protest the Miss America Beauty September Pageant in Atlantic City December o More than 16 000 total U S deaths in Vietnam this year

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UCF AMH 2020 - Chapter 38 The Cold War

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