AMH202 June 25th Chapter 24 Transcontinental Railroad route Proposed in 1850s but deadlocked because of arguments about the After southern secession Congress had made provision in 1862 Union Pacific and Central Pacific joined near Ogden Utah in 1869 4 routes by surveyors across the United States southern route was the CHEAPEST similar to i10 went across southern states and went into southern California Cheaper because less tribes less mountains organized gov t all the way across route 1870 to 1890 railroads spread and webbed across country Big Business Cornelius Vanderbilt Made millions in steam boating Bought small railroad lines and combined them Offered superior railway service at lower rate 100 million Stimulated Business Efficient transport of raw materials to factories Transportation of goods to market Tourism Railroad construction improvement led to steel rails which increased the demand for and subsequent further development of the steel industry Steel is BETTER than iron which expanded steel industry Southern Florida Railroad Begun in Sanford Had to transport oranges grapefruit pineapple into wagons take to Sanford to take on boat to New York for sale January 1880 Financed by a Boston newspaper syndicate Completed to Orlando by end of 1880 bought by Henry Plant He then extended it to Tampa to extend to Plant Steamship Line Henry Flagler connected Jacksonville to Key West Built resorts and hotels along the way so people could get there and have somewhere to stay Royal Poinciana Palm Beach Finally got the railroad to Key West Other Titans of Business Andrew Carnegie Steel King integrated every phase of steel making sold to J P Morgan for 400 million in 1900 which became the U S Steel John D Rockefeller Standard Oil allied with competitors to monopolize the market Pierpont Morgan banker arranged for his banking officers to serve on the board Labor Reaction Began organizing benevolent societies different race or religion put money into till to help someone National Labor Union 1866 mixture of skilled and unskilled workers EXCLUDING Chinese weren t effective and ended shortly after Knights of Labor 1869 made public in 1881 also made of skilled and unskilled workers American Federation of Labor Organized by Samuel Gompers Only made up of skilled workers and excluded women and blacks Negotiated closed shop which meant could only be a part of if one was in a union Better hours and wages Many May Day Strikes in 1886 Haymarket Square in Chicago May 4th became violent led to bombing leaving many killed 8 Anarchists against gov t were taken in by the police discredited the Knights of Labor Strikes
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