Criminal Justice System 24 02 2014 09 14 00 Recap Goals of Criminal Justice System IMPORTANT Doing justice Controlling crime Preventing crime Discretion Characteristics of the Criminal Justice System o Use discretion out on the field Resource Dependence Sequential Tasks o Arrested before jail o Things have to happen in a certain order Filtering o As people enter the criminal justice system people have to leave o Try to get rid of people Operations of Criminal Justice Agencies Police o Keeping the peace o Apprehending violators and combating crime o Preventing crime Celebrated cases smallest cases in the criminal justice system Misdemeanors largest cases in the criminal justice system o Providing social services Courts Corrections Criminal Justice Wedding Cake Serious Felonies Less Serious Felonies Crime Control Model Order as value Like an assembly line Efficiency Repress crime Due Process Model Law as a value Like an obstacle course Reliability Preserve individual values Terms to Know Crimes Mala in se Mala prohibita Federalism Discretion Adjudication Arrest Warrant Information Indictment Decision making process Topics 3 goals of CJS How federalism affects CJS 3 characteristics of CJS 4 major duties of police agencies Decision making process Criminal justice wedding cake Crime control vs Due process Part 2 6 types of crime Visible Crime o Majority of law enforcement resources are allocated to deal o Street Ordinary crime with o Violent Crime Robbery Rape Assault o Property Crimes Criminal homicide Larceny Theft Shoplifting Burglary Embezzlement Public Order Crimes o Public drunkenness o Aggressive panhandling o Vandalism o Disorderly conduct Occupational Crime o Committed in the context of a legal business or profession o May be greater cost to society than street crime Organized Crime o Refers to the framework that the crime is committed under instead of the crimes themselves Commercial arson Illegal disposal of toxic wastes Money laundering Victimless Crimes o A willing and private exchange of good or services that are in strong demand but illegal o Offenses against morality o Those involved do not believe they are being harmed o Prosecution justified because society as a whole is harmed o War on drugs Drug sales use Gambling Prostitution Political Crime o Criminal acts either by the government or against the o Carried out for ideological purposes government Treason 9 11 Bombing of federal buildings Abortion clinic bombings murders Bombing of Olympics Cyber Crime o Involves the use of computers and the internet to commit acts against people property public order or morality Non delivery of purchased items Identity theft Auction fraud Child pornography Cyber stalking Digital piracy Crime rate has been declining since the 1980s Uniform Crime Report UCR Crime trend Sponsor o FBI Scope o Crimes reported to the police in most jurisdictions Collection method o Police department reports to FBI According to UCR motor vehicle theft has the highest percentage of crimes reports NIBRS National Crime Victimization Surveys NCVS Sponsor Scope o Bureau of Justice Statistics o Crimes reported and not reported to the police Collection method o Interviews of individuals 12 years old Relies on perception of crime Two main branches of criminological theory Classical o Cesare Beccaria o Rational o Cost benefit analysis o Fear of punishment o Punishment fit crime o Public laws and punishments o Notion of free will Neoclassical Positivist o Classical on a case by case basis factors not free will Biological o Human behavior is controlled by physical mental and social o Cesare Lombroso Certain people are criminogenic These people have primitive physical traits such as strong canine teeth huge jaws and high cheek bones These traits are acquired through heredity or through alcoholism epilepsy or syphilis Original theory no longer considered relevant States passed laws requiring repeat offenders to be o Crime cause by mental condition personality disturbance or sterilized Psychological limited intellect o Role of the id ego and super ego Sociological o Focus on the way that belonging to social groups shapes people s behavior Social structure Social process Criminal behavior is related to social class Any person has the potential to become a criminal Learning theories Control theories Labeling theories Critical Criminal law and the justice system are designed by those in power whose purpose is to oppress those who are not in power Life course theory Integrated theories Dark figure of crime Victimology Criminogenic
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