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HDFS 129 Dr Corneal 1 21 14 Nature vs Nurture Nature the influence of heredity on development or biologically based predispositions Inhibited adolescences often become inhibited adults Nurture Forces in the environment that influence development Includes diet circumstances in the womb nutrition viruses birth complications schooling cultural and community influences How do Nature and Nurture interact Traits which have a substantial genetic predisposition o how well you express yourself write intelligence IQ verbal ability vocational interest scholastic achievement memory Traits with genetic loading extroversion introversion neuroticism openness o independent and imaginative vs being conformative conscientiousness agreeableness o organized careful not impulsive 2007 study of Baby Einstein videos Drs Christakis and Zimmerman U of Washington Evidence to suggest that videos may impede language development for infants ages 8 16 months o Not only do they not help they may hurt 17 drop in vocabulary for babies who watched videos compared to babies who did not watch the videos But instead engaged in the typical face to face interactions with adults Language development flourishes in normal face to face interactions Disorders which have a substantial genetic predisposition Depression anxiety Autism Alzheimer s disease Schizophrenia Alcoholism When researchers report that traits are heritable they typically mean that genes account for 30 60 of the variation you see in that trait The ENVIRONMENT modifies or enhances traits to which we are predisposed The environment can bring out or repress traits that we are predisposed to Stability vs change 1 Is personality stable over time a To what extent can we change From life exeriences

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PSU HDFS 129 - Lecture notes

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