AMH 2020 Week 2 2 Progressive and Reform The progressive impulse o Waves of labor strikes and crime o Waves of recessions and booms o Americans responded with waves of progression forms o Alcohol reform was big because a lot of conservative felt men had drinking problems Social gospel movement o Conservative progressive o Active Christianity as anecdotes to American suffrage o As Christians americans needed to be social and help o Mostly focused on the poorest people and advocated for parks and better housing o Believe that the law of Christ in every relation to human life Muckrakers o Journalists that wanted to uncover the corruption and problems they saw in o Tried to publicly shock humanity into change by identifying and exposing our The settlement house movement o The growing number of poor homeless people increased after labor strikes and society problems violence o Led by jane adams settlement house was her movement to help the city o A giant building that had all the amenities people needed Helped new mothers dormitories for homeless single women english classes library baby sitting dance classes and helped make lives of urban poor people bearable o Many settlement houses were led by women just like jane adams o They all proposed social justice o Hull house offered opportunities for all women Municipal reform o The white city built for the Columbian exposition in Chicago o An exposition was like a big state fair where people got to show off and sell there things like new technologies and fashion o It was in honor of the Christopher Columbus landing o The idea behind this city started the beautiful city reform o He idea of having beautiful cities would bring out peoples best characters and crime and violence would decrease o In large cities party bosses had more power over politics than political leaders had o They fought for civil exams for people to become politicians to make sure they were qualified o Fought to make people who ran cities more competent to do soo Disasters o Hurricane in 1900 off the coast of Texas Killed 6000 residents In the wake of the hurricane local businessmen took over fixing the city which was critical because Texas was a big port Replaced the mayor with a 5 man city commission It was very successful because they divided u all the problems and it all worked out for the better City commission plan is still used today o Earthquake in San Francisco The city was in devastation not only from the earthquake but from the hundreds of raging fire that came to be from it City leaders were comprised of businessmen who set up emergency offices of banks right way build a new city This created better confidence in their city that they had money accessible The community of 40 formed to fill the emergency needs of the city Then formed smaller groups to specific areas and they got a chance to This planning committee was also a successful model and many other cities adopted it as well o Political reform Some believed politics were corrupt in electing people Some believed the law was in the way of change being able to happen Political parties lost a lot of influence and power Age of interests groups were also very important Vowed to never abandon the fight until a government could correctly o Robert Lafollette represent us Felt he could only make changes if he was elected governor Direct state primary for state legislative elections was one of the first things he changed meant public voted to leader not party boss He also created tax law that striped taxed laws from big corporations like the railroad Created first income tax made a minimum wage for women and made stricter child labor laws Science and technology of business were very important to him o Eugene Debs Formed American railway union Want to jail and came out a radical social reformer Socialism was the best political ideology to break barrios in America Socialism workers should own parts of their labor It was the governments job to ensure that Socialism had enormous appeal because it would give normal people more power and ownership He did not win his election o Theodore Roosevelt the progressive president Was first elected vice president to McKinley but he was assassinated shortly after he gained presidency Was a hero of the Spanish American war and governor of new york Born into a wealthy politically connected family Turned a lot of his focus onto the environment and conservation The management of public land was upgraded and he sought out federal support He then turned his attention to big business He took over 45 monopolies He intervened in the mine strike and forced them all to make compromises Was a believer in government regulation of businesses Hailed the first trust buster and tried reducing businesses violating laws square deal based on ideas that Americans were being treated unfairly Began on reforming a number of different industries Monitored food drugs and safety public land commission started the FDA Was the most active president we had up until this point Taft was his successor and was not progressive and split up the republican party leaving Roosevelt to have to form his own political party Roosevelt formed the progressive party bullmoose party after republican part fell apart o African americans and reforms Booker t Washington He argued that blacks best ways to assimulate was by hard work education and practical skills Many viewed he had a limited vision and idealized white people Dubios Founded the NAACP and wanted black elitist NAACP used legality to end racial issues His progressive vision was threatening to whites but was very influencial o Indians Formed the society of American Indians Was a model form of the NAACP organization Felt that the wrongs should be undone to the Indians o Women and reform Women suffrage was huge and people were constantly trying to figure out As long as women could not America could not rightfully be called a woman s place in our society democracy Women had the right as citizens to vote The more members they got the more diverse their reasons to vote were Was the most visible sign of the progressive reform An advocate of new women was charlotte perkins She argued that men had a monopoly in economic growth If they professionalized house work women would have time to get other jobs for themselves Women could now go to college but were encouraged to take majors that were feminized o The clubwomen communities Women slowly began to have more influence with
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