Christian Philosophy Who is in charge Objectivity Christian 1 There is a God 2 There is a plan for the universe 3 Salvation and eternal life belief in God 1 Revelation scripture 2 Faith Tertuelian 165 225 AD a I believe because it is absurd 3 Reason Augustine 354 430 AD Faith and reason conflict Middle man between Aquinas and Tertuelian Hippo In Africa Monica Augustine s mother Christian Thomas Aquinas 1225 1274 Necessary for non believers to start understanding the truths of Christianity Problem of Evil 1 God is all powerful 2 God is all loving 3 Evil exists as an actual force Plan Appearance Possible to believe 2 of these but not all 3 contradiction Pelagians 1 3 God is less than all loving Manichaeans 2 3 God is less than all powerful Augustine all 3 Evil does not exist as an actual force God is using this to convert this into a better world from Plato Ambrose 1 Mountain Valley Recognize and appreciate the actual goodness 2 Test of our character Let the Lord Provide Problem of Free Will Once you say God is all powerful and all loving how do humans have any choice Augustine says God knows what we will freely choose but God does not choose for us Grace Gods undeserved gift of salvation Salvation is eternal life with God in heaven Undeserved nothing that we can do on our own God author of your life Baptism become a member of Gods community make God the author of your life Adam Eve Tree of knowledge shouldn t pride fully do life without God Original sin PRIDE The way to overcome original sin is to be baptized City of Man Allegiance is to secular authority political action in the world is what makes the world a better place power success in order to express your success in material possessions City of God Allegiance to the eternal kingdom of heaven God and God s plan to realize that God is in control and is the author of your life through the gift of grace spreading the word of salvation Heaven Creation Judgment Day Present Memories Expectations Hell Heaven Perfect physical body Perfect intellect Hell Physical torment Intellectual deprivation God doesn t condemn you to Hell you choose this when you don t commit to God
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