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CCJS100 FINAL EXAM REVIEW Possible Pop Quiz Questions What is the difference between an adversarial and inquisitorial court system and which do we Adversarial system prosecution and defense battle it out and try to argue for their case o Inquisitorial Judge plays a larger role in discovering the truth o We have an Adversarial court system What is the importance of jurisdiction departments What are the 3 functions of the courts o Sets boundaries and establishes organized cooperative efforts between official What is the structure hierarchy of the US court system o Enforcing norms o Processing disputes o Making policy o State Court system Trial courts of limited jurisdiction Trial courts of general jurisdiction Appellate courts Appellate court of last resort o Federal Court System District courts Circuit Courts of appeals Supreme Court of the United States What is the appeals process o o Less than 1 What percentage of cases are brought to the Supreme Court When will a defendant first see the judge o Whenever decisions about their future are being made AKA Arraignment What are the 3 major roles of judges can someone elaborate on these o Adjudicator neutral application of the law oversee the contest between the prosecution and the defense must maintain the right of the defendant o Negotiator negotiates decisions outside of the public view maintaining dialog and forming agreements between prosecutors and defense attorney on matters such as plea bargains sentencing and bail conditions o Administration What are the six methods to select judges can someone define these gubernatorial appointment appointed by governor legislative selection the legislative body selects the judge o o o o o o o merit selection nonpartisan election partisan election a mixture of these methods What are the responsibilities of prosecuting attorneys US attorneys and state attorney generals states o Prosecuting attorneys bringing criminal charges o United States attorney prosecution of crimes that violate the laws of the united o State attorney general responsible for both civil and criminal matters What are the roles of prosecutors o Trial counsel for the police o House counsel for the police o Representative of the court o Elected official What are the 3 types of indigent defense counsel o Assigned counsel a lawyer or lawyers appointed by the state to provide representation for indigent persons Generally are private lawyers designated by the courts to handle particular cases o Contract counsel an attorney who works on legal cases on a contract basis o Public defender oversees 75 of minority defendants What is the indigent defense system used by the majority of counties in Maryland o Public defender What are some examples of pre trial motions o Exclude Physical Evidence o Prevent Witnesses from Testifying o Exclude the Defendant s Statements or Confession o Dismiss the Case o Change the Venue location of the trial o Require the Opposing Party to Release Evidence What are the 4 goals of punishment Define each o Incapacitation Isolate criminal from community o Deterrence Discourage criminal acts to avoid punishment o Retribution Repay damages by monetary or physical means o Rehabilitation Criminal recovers from illness before reentry What are the problems with mandatory minimums o Cliffs Ex 495g vs 500g cocaine found years vs 5 years o Mistakes miscalculated wrong measurements of drugs breathalyzer o mistakes Ex it was actually 490g but accidently weighed as 500g o misplaced equality bias by race doesn t take circumstance into the equation for example latino people get pulled over recorded as white o Same jail time as person selling for fun to kids as opposed to someone selling to support family o cooperation paradox I admit I ve done the crime If I rat out other people I get lesser punishment What are the differences between Administratively fixed Judicially fixed and Legislatively fixed sentence structures o Administratively fixed Indeterminate Parole board makes the decisions about sentencing Judge sets a minimum and a maximum and the parole board determines release o Judicially Fixed Determinate Judge has discretion to determine when the date of release is exception is good time o Legislatively Fixed Mandatory mandatory minimums What is a good time credit o A slightly shortened sentence assigned on the grounds of good behavior What does truth in my penis sentencing mean o Tries to limit good time release by saying that you have to serve at least 85 of your sentence instead of 50 like good time What is the difference between a fine and a restitution o A fine is paid to the government Restitution is paid to victims What was the enlightenment era What changed o Late 17 18th C E o A movement towards retribution that focused on religious conviction All crime is sin and all sin is works of the devil and therefore must be put to an end o Belief in vengeance free will and rational choice What was the progressive era What changed o A move towards more rehabilitation and programs that work to improve the criminal and better society Takes biological psychological and sociological factors into mind How has punishment evolved over time o Retributive galley slavery transportation corporal punishment imprisonment o Utilitarian modern prison jail o Rehabilitative Restorative Cognitive Behavioral Therapy education substance abuse classes anger management classes Know the correctional eras o Colonial 1600s 1700s brutal punishments public punishments Angelican Code corporal and capital punishment o Penitentiary 1790s 1890s formal institutions to house criminals religious undertones housed separately labor o Reformatory 1870s 1890s rehabilitation separate institutions for young offenders mark system way to incentivize good behavior o Progressive 1890s 1930s emphasizes the need to restore criminals through training and therapy more focused version of reformatory o Medical 1930s 1960s model of corrections based on assumptions that criminal behavior is caused by social psychological and biological conditions that require treatment o Community 1960s 1970s focus on restoring the criminal to society more intermediate sanctions probation o Crime Control 1970s 2000s turns its back on rehabilitation get tough on crime sprang from raising crime rights What is the difference between a jail and a prison Jail is for sentences less than one year and Prison is any longer sentence What is a penitentiary o o What is a reformatory reform school a

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