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GESCHICHTE 150 Friday October 11 2013 OUTLINE The New Imperialism 1870 1914 Statistics of European imperial expansion Motivations for imperial expansion 1 Economic the major motive 2 Nationalism 3 The European civilizing mission The Conquest of Africa The Tools of the Empire 1 Quinine and malaria 2 3 European weapons especially the maxim gun a machine gun invented by Hiriam Maxim in Iron hulled steamboats the early 1880s a 1898 the Battle of Omdurman in the Sudan Menelik II of Ethiopia defeated the Italians in 1896 NOTES Europeans acquired a little over 10 million square miles of territory in Africa and Asia containing 150 million people Great Britain The Sun Never Sets on the British Empire Added 5 2 million square miles to its existing empire containing 80 million people Image Canadian postage stamp Illustrates the extent of the British Empire in the world around 1898 proving that the sun never sets on it territories and large areas of North America Australia Africa and Asia are highlighted On the eve of World War I the British Empire was a little over 14 million square miles 3x the size of the French Empire 10x the size of the German Empire The scramble for Africa in 1870 11 of the continent was under European control a little over 90 in 1914 GESCHICHTE 150 Image Maps of Africa Friday October 11 2013 First 1878 small territories claimed on the continent Second 1914 nearly 90 is claimed by at least 7 different empires countries Great Britain France Germany Belgium etc Liberia and Ethiopia only two areas not claimed by empires Motivations for Imperial Expansion 1 Economic the MAJOR motive a Jules Ferry French President said in 1890 Colonial policy is the child of the Industrial Revolution The European consumer goods market is saturated New consumer markets will have to be created in other parts of the world i New consumer markets to be created throughout the world sell globally and make revenue b Goods sold globally would create more local jobs for the empire c Colonies raw materials and natural resources d Minerals copper zinc diamonds gold ivory rubber palm oil soap 2 Nationalism and Imperialism a Heinrich von Treitschke German historian Every virile people has established colonial power All great nations in the fullness of their strength have desired to set their mark upon barbarian lands and those who fail to participate in this great rivalry will play a pitiable role in the time to come 3 Civilizing mission a White race and superiority i Duty and responsibility to colonize backward inferior races ii Whites are the better race and deserve to rule others iii Rudyard Kipling Take up the White Man s Burden half devil half child uncivilized peoples 1 b A British man said of India 1894 TQ Under the guiding direction of Providence it is from the British nation that the vast continent of India has received the leaven of a new moral and material regeneration the most potent factor in this truly wonderful resurrection of a whole people so visibly taking place before the eyes of the present generation is unquestionably the railway system of the country Image propaganda poster What is wanted in darkest Africa electric light Bringing technology to the uncivilized world Image British illustration Kumasi after the war civilization commencing Inset primitive appearance and lifestyle of the indigenous peoples before the war Main civilization people wearing clothes adapting western dress advanced architecture and city environment advertisements and consumerism British goods sold globally Adoption of British customs and culture GESCHICHTE 150 Friday October 11 2013 Image Advertisement for Pear s Soap man washing his hands at a basin The White Man s Burden Selling Pear s Soap by appealing to the providence of British peoples to spread civilization and cleanliness The Conquest of Africa Tools of the Empire 1 Quinine and malaria a Early 19th century Europeans have been kept out of the interior of Africa because of diseases like malaria protected the continent from imperial penetration and invasion African strain was particularly lethal white man s grave b 1830 expedition into Africa along the Niger River 49 men embarked on c expedition 40 contracted malaria and died French and British doctors discover that quinine in regular doses could prevent the contraction of malaria i Made from bark of the Cinchona tree found in Andes of South America d 1854 second expedition down Niger River all survived after taking quinine e Quinine facilitates imperial movement into the interior f Drug is bitter taken with gin and tonic sugar water gin only anti malarial drug before the 1940s Iron hulled steamboats 2 3 European weapons

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BSU HIST 150 - The New Imperialism, 1870-1914

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