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1 Discuss the key ideas of psychoanalysis Discuss Freud s theory of psychological Discuss Freud s idea of how the mind is development structured modern life Discuss implications for psychotherapy and 2 Medical doctor Left Austria when Hitler came to power 3 http www youtube com watch v sj2JFI4BsRQ Used free association Influenced by his patients self analysis 7 Definition Free will and random accidents do not exist Contradictions of thoughts Leads to idea of the unconscious 8 The mind is made of separate parts Id Ego Superego Modern research Mind not neatly divided 9 The mind can conflict with itself Compromise formation 1 0 Assumption that the psychological part of the mind needs energy Libido Some implications not supported by research Modern thought 1 1 Moral Scientific Personal level 1 2 Two fundamental motives Libido Thanatos 1 3 The doctrine of opposites Life and death happiness and sadness Extremes on any scale may be more similar to each other than either extreme is to the middle p 353 Example 1 4 Focus on where the psychic energy is and how it is used Stage theory of development Aspects of each stage A B C Fixation and regression 1 5 16 Conscious thought Able to delay or redirect gratification Develops second less important role 1 7 The way the unconscious mind operates id Does not contain the idea of no Not usually visible Can be seen in 1 8 Conscious mind Preconscious Unconscious All of the id and superego and some of the ego Most important 1 9 20 Unconscious conflicts are what make people anxious and unhappy 2 1 Resolve problems by bringing unconscious conflicts to the surface so ego can deal with them 2 2 Criticisms Recent research Rather than a therapy psychoanalysis can be thought of as a tool for understanding human nature and culture Do you agree with this idea 2 3 If you had a psychological problem would you go to a psychoanalyst Why or why not 2 4

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OSU PSYCH 3530 - Basics of Psychoanalysis

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