Feelings II Emotions Bold and italics are concepts that I predict Robert Smith will ask on the test A Types of Affects What is it about how external and internal stimuli affect the bodily chemistry 1 Emotions emotions cause body to release chemicals some of which may once stimulus resolved return to homeostasis have physiological features you can detect bodily changes and can kind of tell Tangible Intense strong arousal be unhealthy Specific Short duration temporary what emotions you are having Fixed for life cannot be changed through subjective and biological measure Contagious Hard to measure Dimensions Properties i ii 2 Mood less intensive or specific long duration but can be misattributed 3 Affective tone least intense short duration can create associations Valence vs just like attitude belief Arousal One question will ask about the basic comparisons between these three affects focus will be on mood and emotions specificity and intensity Affect Mapping It must appear on the test He said it in class remember the x and y axis and how to read the table B Cause origin of emotions 1 Instinctual and evolved Encourage people to approach or avoid appropriate parts of the environment as emotional states prepare body for physical encounter e g fight or flight response Problem does not fit today s world C Effects of emotions and stress 1 Problem emotions are applied to the world that no longer exists and it activates flight or fight response when discrepant information is received Particularly hurtful if it is highly discrepant and has high centrality Unhealthy especially to people with incorrect beliefs Solution stimulate the production of oxytocin through social interactions Other solutions Biofeedback i Facial feedback hypothesis facial expressions can affect emotional experiences and influence behavior ii Posture power posing High power postures increase the release of positive chemical testosterone which increase the positive feeling increase feeling of power and tolerance of risk iii Nodding happiness and liking iv Tense muscles increases willpower and folding arms helps 2 Effects of different emotions i Happy liking better at creativity ii sad better at analytical problem iii anxiety fear avoid risk iv disgust funny jokes and gross food 3 Affect misattribution feelings as information aboutness principle fluency effects The ease at which a message is processed is assumed to be indicative of how truthful the message is misattributing physiological arousal bridge study fear as attraction
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