ANTHROPOLOGY 2200 EXAM 2 STUDY GUIDE PRIMATE TAXONOMY Taxonomy Used to relate organisms Hierarchy of taxa groups Binomial Nomenclature o Genus species Allopatric Speciation Geographical isolation Parapatric Speciation Two populations o Geographically contiguous Only mate with neighbors Abrupt environmental change Sympatric Speciation Occurs in the same location Ecological Niche o Occupy different ones No direct competition Classification Considerations ANTHROPOLOGY 2200 EXAM 2 STUDY GUIDE Need to understand evolutionary relationships o Primitive ancestral old o Derived New from adaptation Homology Homoplasy o Same feature throughout a lot of different animals o Features that have changed o Different between species o Parallel evolution Wooly mammoth Elephant o Convergent evolution Don t have anything in common have similar traits K Selective Long time until reproduction High parental care Long life spans Larger body size Fewer offspring o Ex Elephants Humans ANTHROPOLOGY 2200 EXAM 2 STUDY GUIDE r Selective Short time until reproduction Small body size Shorter lifespan Minimal low parental care Many offspring o Ex Rodents Bacteria Fish Mammalian Traits 6 Characteristics o Lactation o Fur or Hair o Jaw is one bone o Middle ear consists of three bones o Diaphragm o One primary artery leaves heart bending left Homeothermic Parental Care Primate Traits 5 characteristics o Opposable Halux thumb or big toe ANTHROPOLOGY 2200 EXAM 2 STUDY GUIDE o Nails instead of claws o Forward facing eyes o Post orbital bar o Petrosal auditory bulla Often K selective Relatively large brain size Reduced number of teeth Dietary Plasticity Primate dentition Heterodont Dentition o Incisor o Canine o Premolar o Molar Dental Formulas Ancestral Formula o 2 1 4 3 o 2 1 2 3 humans old world primates ANTHROPOLOGY 2200 EXAM 2 STUDY GUIDE Precision and power grips Majority of primate hands can grasp precision and power Precision o Fine manipulation with finger tips and thumbs Power o Fist like grip fingers and thumbs wrap around Cladistic Gradistic Classifications Cladistic o Shared derived traits o Primates Gradistic Strepsirhine Haplorhine CHS cladistics haplorhine strepsirhine Tarsier is Haplorhine o Primitive ancestral traits o Primates breaks into Prosimians Anthropoids GPA gradistic prosimians anthropoids Tarsier is Prosimian New World Primates Americas Old World Primates Africa Asia Most primates found along equator More species o Plants Light and rainfall ANTHROPOLOGY 2200 EXAM 2 STUDY GUIDE PRIMATE ADAPTATION AND EVOLUTION Geologic Time 3 Eras o Paleozoic o Mesozoic o Cenozoic Epochs Pangaea Fossilization o Sub categories within eras ANTHROPOLOGY 2200 EXAM 2 STUDY GUIDE Taphonomy o Study of how plants and animals become fossilized o In order for taphonomy Rapid burial Oxygen free environment Minerals are replaced by rock forming minerals o Not original biological material DNA still present in trace amounts Chemical analysis for dietary composition o 2 ways to date fossils Relative Absolute Relative Dating Rough estimate Absolute Dating Stratigraphic correlation Biostratigraphy Fluorine Dating Radiocarbon Dating Dendrochronology Radio potassium Dating o Potassium Argon Good for 200 000 Years before present ANTHROPOLOGY 2200 EXAM 2 STUDY GUIDE Species in the fossil record Organizing the variation o Taxonomy Intraspecific variation o Within species there is variation Individual Age Sexual dimorphism Interspecific variation o Differences between species Finding Fossils Lumper v Splitter ANTHROPOLOGY 2200 EXAM 2 STUDY GUIDE Areas of interest o Local Knowledge o Lay units o Dig Careful analysis of layers Stratigraphy o Differences in layers of soil Stratum Cultural features v Natural changes Sift dirt o Bones Artifacts shells Law of Superposition Lowest Oldest Paleoanthropology Using fossil evidence with focus on human origins Fossils fill holes in evolution o Ida fossil Plastic distortion o No quite what it is supposed to look like Why did primates evolve Three possible hypothesis ANTHROPOLOGY 2200 EXAM 2 STUDY GUIDE o Insect Hunting Hypothesis o Angiosperm Hypothesis o Forest Dwelling Hypothesis Paleocene Ancestral form very primitive Not considered true primate Plesiadapiforms o Mammal that leads into primates Eocene First true primates o Adapids Great prosimian strepsirhine adaptive radiation Ancestral forms of modern lemurs tarsiers Large eyes suggest nocturnal Stereoscopic vision 2 familes o Adapidae Early Strepsirhine Elongated snout Small incisors ANTHROPOLOGY 2200 EXAM 2 STUDY GUIDE Post orbital bar o Omomyidae Early Haplorhine Short snout Large incisors Post orbital closure Oligocene Anthropoid haplorihine fossils Found in OW and NW Greater reliance on vision less on smell All generalized quadraped Pribably diurnal Aegyptopithecus species o Extant monkeys o 2 1 2 3 dental pattern o Frugivore o Quadruped with clinging and leaping o Sexual dimorphism Miocene Apes evolve Primarily in Africa and Asia ANTHROPOLOGY 2200 EXAM 2 STUDY GUIDE 6 MYBP Chimps and Hominids split 2 major genera o Dryopithesines o Ramapithecines Hominoid spilt Proconsul o First ape like creature o Large range of body size o Sexual dimorphism o Ape like features and monkey like features No tail Quadraped Oreopithecus o Eurasia o Possible leaf eater o Forest dweller ANTHROPOLOGY 2200 EXAM 2 STUDY GUIDE o Moderately large o Sexual dimorphic o Suspensory locomotion tree Dryopithecus Sivapithecus o Hungary and Spain o Asia southeast o Many derived features in common with orangutans Gigantopithecus o Large massive size bigger than gorilla Strepsirine Prosimians Tarsiiforms The misfit species Anatomical features of strepsirhines o Tapetum Lucidum reflective eye o Rhinarium wet nose o Long snout o Post orbital bar o Tooth comb Grooming Claw o Smaller brain to body size ratio dumb Lemuriforms o Lemurs Lorises ANTHROPOLOGY 2200 EXAM 2 STUDY GUIDE Lemurs Endemic only found in Madagascar Variation and Ecological Niches Sympatric speciation Nocturnal and Diurnal Solitary and Group Living Ring tailed Lemur Most terrestrial of lemurs Multi male multi female groups Crepuscular most active around dawn dusk Female dominant Stink fights Sifaka Zaboomafoo Small family groups 3 9 individuals Vertical Clinger and Leaper Multi male Multi female Indri Largest living lemur Vertical clinger and leaper Monogamous Pairs Taboos don t kill or eat ANTHROPOLOGY 2200 EXAM 2 STUDY GUIDE Ruffed Lemur Black and White Red Arboreal Quadrupedalism Infant parking Bamboo
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