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Chapter 9 Managers must big three things direct question o Develop Culture o Encourage Innovation o Manage Change All videos o Tony Hsieh Zappo s Core values be humble Culture definitions plus sub culture o 3 definitions culture is thinking and acting System of shared beliefs values guiding behavior internal The way we do things around here Set of signals of what is considered appropriate vs inappropriate o Personal to organizational to global to corporate o Corporations and culture 4 elements Shaping attitudes Reinforce beliefs Direct behavior Set expectations Observed and core culture iceberg o Visible dress office symbols slogans o Invisible expressed values codes of conduct mission statements value statements o Assumptions deep beliefs core beliefs ex we are a family o Observed culture things you see hear walking around an office Heroes shared knowledge of hero stories represent core values Rites rituals creates connections builds morale shared hands on experiences Symbols common understanding of culture easy to recognize Stories easily remembered and passed on instills deeper cultural understanding Wegman s o Core culture values or beliefs about the right ways to behave underlying values of a corporation organization Innovation 3 1 know well and all illustrations o Innovation taking a new idea and putting it into practice o Three forms Process Product Business model o Six sigma process improvement o Innovation Instagram Commercialization selling innovation o Read in book o 3M Post Its Terra Cycle Structure supporting innovation o Strategy includes innovation o Culture values innovation o Structure supports innovation o Management supports innovation o Staffing for creativity innovation Change defined o Denial anger bargain depression move on o It is personal and organizational o To make the form nature content future course etc of something different from what it is or from what it would be if it was left alone Moneyball trailer Oakland A s o Fundamental change drivers opportunity threat Two types of change o Transformational Buying a new car o Incremental Starting over with a redirection of the org Taking car for a tune up Bending adjusting to improve org o Twinkies ended by Hostess o IBM new CEO brought in to Kill IBM sell assets Approaches drivers vs status quo o Change Drivers ambitious o Status Quo set in ways don t seek change Confident of ability Willing to take risks Seize opportunities Expect surprise Make things happen Threatened by change Bothered by uncertainty Prefer predictability Support status quo Wait for things to happen Change process unfreeze freeze refreeze burning platform o Unfreeze create a need for change o Freeze implement and manage the process of change o Refreeze stabilize the change scan for future o Burning platform something is going down in flames emphasize services manage everything with a new strategy to change the culture Force rational shared o Force coercion strategy pursues change through formal authority and or the use of rewards or punishments o Rational persuasion strategy pursues change through empirical data and rational argument o Shared power strategy pursues change by participation in assessing change needs values and goals Page 225 why do people resist change o Fear of the unknown disrupted habits loss of confidence loss of control poor timing work overload loss of face lack of purpose Chapter 14 Definitions of team and synergy and teamwork o Olympic moms video NASCAR pit crew o Team teamwork collection or people who regularly interact to pursue common goals o Synergy when the whole is greater than the sum of the individual Benefits and common problems teams social loaf one question per part parts o Benefits More resources Improved creativity and innovation Improved decision making Greater commitment to tasks Increased member motivation Better control work discipline More individual need for satisfaction Buy in people will support what they come up with Skill development Enjoyment fun Synergy better performance o Common Problems Cultural miscommunication Personality conflicts Power struggles Participation level Lack of focus Group think Poor follow through Definition of quality Maturity Free riders social loafing Workload imbalance Personal vs professional Conflict on roles Work styles Managers and 4 ways to interact with a team o Each of the diagrams with the Manager dot and Employee dots o Coach assists supervisor directs facilitator coordinates participant works Cross functional and virtual teams o Cross functional brings all the units functions together o Virtual teams telepresence meet electronically Inputs Throughputs Outputs Building Blocks o Inputs Members abilities values personalities diversity Nature of task clarity complexity Org setting resources tech structure rewards information Team size of members odd even Even for consensus odd for majority rule 2 pizza rule if you can t feed your team with 2 pizzas your team is too big o Throughputs Team process Norms cohesion social cohesion roles communication decisions conflict Team effectiveness quality of inputs process gains process loss Group dynamics interactions among group members both positive and negative o Outputs Team effectiveness Task performance member satisfaction team viability feedback Ron s 3 C s of a team member o Character reliability quality o Competence skills developing skill set o Consistency important leadership skill Lifecycle of teams 4 components application questions o Forming uninformed optimism o Storming informed pessimism o Norming informed optimism o Performing easy success o Think of relationship stages Task vs maintenance o Task focus on work o Maintenance focus on people Cohesion and performance norms Low Performance strong commitments to negative norms High Performance strong commitments to positive norms Cohesiveness Low High Low Moderate Performance weak commitments to negative norms Moderate Performance weak commitments to positive norms Performance Norms Positive Negative another Communication patterns know all 3 pg 346 o Decentralized allows all members to communicate directly with one o Centralized communication flows only between individual members and a center point Conflict resolution 5 ways o Restricted contest one another s positions and restrict interactions H i g h L o w Accommodating playing down the conflict and seeking o n harmony among parties Avoiding denying the existence of conflict and hiding one s feelings C o o

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