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Chapter 10 Human Resources 04 03 2013 People Viewed as 1 A cost to reduce 2 An asset to develop Know SHRM aligning human capital with org Society of HR Management Large governing body from a trade standpoint of everything HR People asset o Developing people is the best way to adapt to change People drive the change o Always asking What s next Strategic HRM Human Capital Strategic HRM aligns human capital with organizational society to implement organizational strategies Human Capital economic value of employees skills knowledge EX strengthening HR management systems with updated approaches for employee performance reviews innovative recruiting methods and new management training 3 Functions attract develop keep Attracting recruiting develop training keeping retention of good people Function 1 Attract assess needs recruit select people Step 1 Assess need define job Step 2 Recruiting strategy implementation Step 3 Candidate selection offer process How we recruit job organizational cultural fit External 35 recruiting job boards social networking Internal 65 referrals temp agencies socials Job fit are you a skill match for the job Organizational cultural fit think about the location of the job itself Screening resume for skills for job interviewing process Personal factor companies hire people they know and like Technical factor bring in resumes on computers to recruit 5 selection methods 2 questions 1 In depth interviewing screening 2 Technical personality testing standardized and personality tests 3 Real time or simulated actual work 4 Background checks credit drug 5 Assessment centers Develop 4 components social training experience mentor coach definitions performance Orientation socialization learning the ropes of the company Training What experiences do you need to advance Mentoring assigning a new employee to a senior manager for Coaching Working with a manager to develop business personal guidance competencies Performance Evaluate worker s performance Know ASTD training performance appraisal American Society for Training Development o US Training Spending 171 5 Billion o Average employee 1 228 00 o Average hours 32 hours employee Performance Appraisal Formally evaluating performance and giving feedback to worker on their accomplishments measure and document work performance use a tool to enhance their performance 3 Components of Keep compensation benefits career path work life balance 3 parts of career development know differences definitions Comp Benefits good pay will keep employees Clear career path Work life balances demands of career with personal family needs o EX Google s retention video offers all meals laundry day care etc to provide for workers and help them manage work and home lives during work day Flexible work best Finland worst Japan Health Aging issues graph on aging know trends for exam question 55 group INCREASES over time Meanwhile other groups decrease Labor Relations independent contractors Independent contractors hired on temporary contracts and are not part of the organization s permanent workforce Labor Unions organizations that deal with employers on the workers collective behalf workers will join unions because of things like poor relationships with supervisors favoritism lack or respect little influence etc SAS Retention video CEO of SAS talks about retention direct question Chapter 11 Leadership 04 03 2013 Leader Manager list know difference between the 2 direct question MANAGER LEADER Administers Innovates Systems Structure Focus on People Maintains Develops Relies on Control Inspires trust Short Range View Long Range View Asks how and when Asks what and why Maintain status quo Challenge status quo Does things right Does the right thing Execution Strategy Book definition of leadership 3 definitions leadership 3 R s reach important goals When one individual influences a group of individuals to want to Right experiences Right training Right attitude ambition Big 4 trait behavior contingency transform What are the 4 ways we can understand approaching leadership Power position and personal 5 types application question definition Managerial Power positional power personal power Positional Power i Reward achieves influence by offering something of value ii Coercive achieves influence by punishment iii Legitimate achieves influence by formal authority Personal Power i Expert achieves influence by special knowledge expertise ii Referent achieves influence by personal identification they admire you likeability Sources of Power Toffler Power Shift 3 Eras of Society Power o Violence Wealth Knowledge Visionary review Pat Woertz video Brings to the situation a clear sense of the future understanding of how to get there What is the core thing she was charged to do Trait approach Gardner s list Leader Traits Physical vitality accept responsibility understand others achievement need courage decisive assertive intelligence task competence people skill motivate others trustworthy self confidence flexible DIRECT QUESTION ON THIS LIST Behavior Style know 4 styles clicker questions KNOW AXIS Human Relations HIGH concern for people LOW concern for task o All about relationships satisfaction focuses on people s needs Democratic HIGH concern for people HIGH concern for task o Focuses on building participation and support for a shared purpose Laissez Faire LOW concern for people LOW concern for task o Hands off focuses on minimum effort to get work done Autocratic LOW concern for people HIGH concern for task o Focuses on efficiency of tasks and operations Contingency or situational Fiedler task position leader member relation Contingency Remember the Titans video Proposed that leadership success depends on achieving a proper match between your leadership style and situational demands leadership style is strongly rooted in our personalities o Step 1 Determine leadership style LPC Least Preferred Co Worker Task motivated LOW LPC Score Relationship motivated HIGH LPC Score o Step 2 Match style with situation 3 contextual situational variables Leader to Member Relationship Good vs Poor Task Structure Structured vs Unstructured Position Power Strong vs Weak Hersey Blanchard know table 4 elements and axis Axis Horizontal Task Behavior Vertical Relationship Behavior 1 Telling give instructions unable unwilling low confidence o HIGH task behavior LOW relationship behavior o Giving specific task directions and closely supervising work 2 Selling explain decisions unable willing

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PSU MGMT 301 - Chapter 10

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