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III Antebellum Reform 1 Why 2 Communitarians what Doomsday 1 Fix themselves for judgement day Shakers Oneida 1 Swingers cult 2 John Humphrey Noise and community believed having sex with someone you weren t supposed to but stopping short of actual sex was the ultimate self sacrifice for the lord 3 The point Very much apart of American society by fixing themselves even if they were trying to separate themselves 4 Temperance Temperance reformers are trying to change bad habits social ills because believe they are due to drunk people 1 Very alcoholic America BUT exclude slaves and men ultimately 14 gal of alcohol a year 2 Little to no cultural stigma to drinking all day night long 3 Antebellum American Men were pretty much drunk all day long Try to create social stigma against drinking set up tents food music outside of town to draw people into a severe talk of God and no alcohol take a pledge to stop completely Successfully created a social stigma against constant drinking 5 Education Very few places to get a free public education Tuition to send kids even to elementary school except NE Hoarace Mann argued that lack of education would create bigger problems as time went on 1 Larger gap between richer and poorer since they cant send kids to school for education 2 If gov t isn t doing what we want we can over throw how is this possible if people aren t educated to know what gov t is isn t supposed to do 3 Begin putting tax money into public school system 4 Extremely successful in every region of the country except for the South 6 Prisons and Asylums Bad prison environment is making people more bitter angry would be worse off when you let them back into society Larger prison facilities to take care of basic human needs rehabilitate them Also need to learn why these people become criminals prevention Rooted in idea that people are generally good people Major moment in American psychology change in insane asylums 1 Dorothea Dix wants to put money into Asylums so we can try and help them causes prevention Led movement for state and local funds for insane asylums 2 Bryce was on cutting edge of psych movement in Antebellum America 7 The body and the beyond Health problems More Americans than ever suffering from health problems 1 Obesity was becoming a major problem in Antebellum America Product of economy more wealth food work without physical exertion 2 Drug use chloroform paote smoke a cactus morphine opium Product of economy more competition more stress drug problem 3 Recreational Sex STD s Product of better understanding of birth control more time on people s hands 4 Cholera contracted from drinking infected water before Pasteur people would have to leave cities to get away from Cholera discovered germs outbreaks Hydrotherapy 1 Believed that America should be taking more baths Average Americans took baths every two to three months 2 Believed sickness was coming through pores so needed some pores clogged by dirt Hydrotherapists disagreed needed bath once a week needed to force water into every opening of body Phrenology a Belief that you can tell certain emotional physical qualities of someone by reading the bumps lumps grooves on the skull Did molding of heads in insane asylums and also politicians Actually got very close at pinpointing certain aspects of the brain moral reflectiveness perceptions Athletes and spectator Sports 1 Exercise was new in antebellum America because people used to be physical in work to stay fit 2 If I can live a life without having to strain myself why would I do that 3 Athletes began to be praised as how we should look be physically healthy begin to exalt the athlete 4 Age when people become very interested in sports to see who is the best Rowing Foot Racing Baseball Boxing and Wrestling two most common 5 Sporting clubs begin to develop selling tickets advertise competitions organize betting on competitions Sylvester Graham 1 Antebellum Reformer who was involved in alot of health reforms 2 Hydrotherapy supporter The Water Cure journal 3 Famous for ideas on obesity people need to exercise and change their diets stop eating so much red meat 4 Promoted a vegetarian diet inventor of graham crackers 5 Most famous for ideas on recreational sex argued problem because of STD s and that each part of our body has very specific but very limited functions Believed if you use parts of your body too much you will wear them out reproductive organs were to reproduce so recreational sex masturbation would wear them out Or you would have unhealthy children ill behaved handicapped unintelligent Sparked the double standard that men would do whatever they wanted to do so sparks women to be the good ones and cover up all skin to prevent men from wanting to have sex with them When you wanted to have recreational sex you should take a cold shower hydrotherapy Abolitionism 1 Who 2 The Message a Based on the idea people are generally good if we can show how sinful slavery is then people that will do the right thing b Is different because it was largely generalized and promoted by General William who publish a newspaper called The Liberator means to morally persuade that slavery is wrong c A way for anti slavery to communicate with one another d It is their version of society s facebook 3 Activities a Publish a ton of literature books slave novels and narratives B Congress gets petitions that get thrown in the trash Abolitionist were constantly going door to doo to try and stop it slavery c Sending out speakers in North giving out anti slavery speeches Spoke in churches lectures in colleges public parks way of entertainment d Most effective lectures spoken by Fredric Douglas e Abolitionist tried to secretly run meetings and maintain the underground rail road f Safe houses were in the North free states g Harriet Tubman Conduct of Underground most courageous women railroad She helped about 300 slaves escape 4 How Slave knew about it a A lot of abolitionist messages were transported by trough sailors they were going from region to region sharing conversations and passing on information b Many found out by the abolitionist to send material through us mail towards south c Most important learn about it from their own masters Masters were upset that abolitionist had a say in the political aspects Slaves would listen to the conversation and they assume their slaves have no reason to be freed 5 Hopes a Moses might be coming and one day you will be free b Masters control until slaves do

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