Compare and contrast the actions and behaviors of pet owners and hoarders Analyze how they treat pets their levels of responsibility their intentions or motivations unacceptable acceptable behavior affect utility justifications excuses attitude and attachment value unsanitary unhealthy messy sickness not cared for health care needs pee and poop everywhere basic needs not met state of household quality of animal care number of animals suffering distress to animals from hunger thirst from pain injury disease from fear distress from discomfort to express normal behavior 65 years or older tend to be female single divorced widowed proposed model early childhood experience abuse of some sort attachment need not met animal neglect and or self neglect limited knowledge of this disorder among psychologists Patronek 1999 found 60 of hoarders are repeat offenders how to prevent this education random checks get family involved hoarders anonymous ongoing group therapy therapeutic parol Animal Hoarding Extra credit due Friday Oct 11 My exam question Posted 10 2 at 1 30pm Venn diagram Pet owners vs Hoarders problems with hoarding line that becomes hoarding Normalizing passive cruelty Justifications denial good samaritan role victimization Excuses external circumstances defeasibility scapegoating self handicapping effects on animals 5 freedoms for animal welfare typical demographics Society s responses punitive approaches fines jail time relinquishment of animals demonize humans therapeutic approaches behavioral therapies drugs new listing in DSM 9 no proven therapies Repeat offenders cost caring for the animals shelters the owner animal control government euthinasia last resource if animal is very sick adoptions owner is sick is it their responsibility is it the right thing to do to charge them with animal abuse cid 127 cid 127 cid 127 cid 127 cid 127 cid 127 cid 127 cid 127 cid 127 cid 127 cid 127 cid 127 cid 127 cid 127 cid 127 cid 127 cid 127 cid 127 cid 127 cid 127 cid 127 cid 127 cid 127 cid 127 cid 127 cid 127 cid 127 cid 127 cid 127 cid 127 cid 127 cid 127 cid 127 cid 127 cid 127 cid 127 cid 127 cid 127 cid 127 cid 127 cid 127 cid 127 cid 127 think about hoarder hoarder s family cost
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