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how does domestication change animals and humans what themes do you hear throughout history that persist today and inform our thinking about animals A brief history of Animals in Society Opening domestication tophat com e 297429 13156260905 phone number for top hat Lecture How would you define the field of anthropology study of human and animal interactions ex pets what we eat research tests on animals therapy with dolphins law enforcement cruelty inflicted on animals Why is it an important field Our relationships with animals mirror how we treat Other people interact with animals every day cultural conflicts endangered species Domesticate verb used with object To convert animals plants to domestic uses tame To tame an animal esp by generations of breeding to live in close association with human beings as a pet or work animal and usually creating a dependency so that the animal loses its ability to live in the wild under our control they are safe To adapt a plant so as to be cultivated by and beneficial to human beings something in it for us for them protect reliable food source housing care for them reproduce them To accustom to household life or affairs To take something foreign unfamiliar for ones own use or purposes adopt To make more ordinary familiar acceptable to domesticate radical ideas become more acceptable to us higher expectations for them make excuses for them or dismiss them cid 127 What is a domesticated animal human purpose for keeping the animal work food fiber medicine companionship protection breeding controlled by humans survival based on relationship with humans bulldogs traits not found in the wild instinct to herd is more pronounced cid 127 What traits in an animal are necessary for successful domestication Or what are the obstacles to domestication Results of domestication only 12 30 species domesticated cid 127 more baby like appearances bigger eyes smushed in faces juvenile cute physical features size productive and manageable speed strength selection for trainability docility work traits food or fiber use temperaments according to use History of Animals Domestication thought to have started 12 000BP concurrent with transition to sedentism theories why religion sport entertainment protection aesthetic value mutual benefit survival strategy of the animals themselves theory wolves scavenging in human camps put the two species in close vicinity mutual benefits to association role of human selection for what are now Dogs first species domesticated in Asia 12 000 15 000 BP domesticated prior to agricultural societies developing dog traits understand each others body movement eyes etc Livestock domestication Food animals Ruminants Pigs consume garbage and as food source Horses In general her flock animals with broad range of feeds agricultural domestication timeline sheep 11 000 15000 years ago cattle 10000 15000 years ago goats 6 000 7 000 years ago pigs 5 000 9 000 years ago horses 5 000 years ago chickens 3 400 years ago Animals in ancient times cats and animals as deities in ancient Egypt cid 127 mummified cats dogs birds cid 127 cid 127 cid 127 cid 127 cid 127 cid 127 cid 127 cid 127 cid 127 cid 127 cid 127 cid 127 cid 127 cid 127 cid 127 cid 127 cid 127 cid 127 cid 127 cid 127 cid 127 cid 127 cid 127 cid 127 cid 127 cid 127 cid 127 cid 127 cid 127 cid 127 cid 127 cid 127 cid 127 cid 127 cid 127 cid 127 cid 127 cid 127 cid 127 cid 127 cid 127 cid 127 cid 127 cid 127 Vitalism Great Chain of Being Plato s idea spectrum humans at top insects as bottom as closer to being like human the more important you are cid 127 Major changes in thinking about animals in ancient Greece animism vital spirit respect cid 127 mechanism everyone animals and humans all machines going through time all things evolving into becoming a human Teleological anthropocentrism Ancient Rome was NOT very animal friendly blood sport Animals used for work transportation and food not pet keeping in ancient world Animals in the middle ages cid 127 major influence of Christianity animals don t have souls don t go to heaven agricultural needs and uses of animals predominated and go as please sport of the era was brutal dogs bite bull on nose some cared for animals Animals in the Renaissance cats were feared as agents of Satan black cat Halloween cats not herd animals can live on fringes on society eat rodents independent animals come increased disconnect between humans and other animals dissected animals discovered insides of us christian church taught that cruelty to animals would develop into cruelty towards other people violent animals sports still practiced some prominent thinkers value nonhuman animals Divinche descartes damning work animals have no function on earth but to be here for us do what you need to them just machines Animals in the Colonial Era beginning of vivisection live experimentation and dissection biomedical research humans still set apart from other animals because of their ability for language and communication tough lives for people and animals alike beginning of what would became early animal welfare thinking Jeremy Bentham 1789 consider animal can suffer turns into child welfare as well some of earliest child cruelty cases based off of animal cruelty archaeology influences Victorian society rediscovered Egypts attitude towards cats deify them animals primarily kept for utilitarian reasons no pets Animals in the Victorian age laws 1800s emergence of animal welfare beginning of modern pet keeping Darwin s influence origin of species 1859 evolution related to all these animal species debates over the use of animals in research still heavy reliance on animals for transportation Animals in the 20th Century two world wars not a lot of thinking about animals major depression cid 127 migration of the population to urban and suburban areas move from primarily rural farmers to suburban and urban move into carefully cultivated areas want interaction with animals pet keeping more popular Animal rights interlocking oppressions whatever i use to deny rights to one group may be used to deny rights to another group what rights to animals Better living through chemistry Dupont explosion of scientific research anything acceptable if it promoted science including research on animals social movements civil rights womens rights later LGBT have scientific and industrial advances science above all post war re emergence of animal controversies pound seizure laws debates over animals in

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