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8 27 8 29 Unique Jim twins Look for patterns in Human Development completely identical Genes and environment are equally as important 1 Development across the lifespan 2 Multidirectionality Different paths in life 3 Plasticity Older you are the less changeable compared to babies who can be completely shaped 4 Historical context Technology war social movements 5 Contexualism Development must be looked at in different context 6 Multidimensionality Stress caused by parents fighting Infancy 2 years old Early Childhood 6 years Middle Child 11 years Adolescence Developmental stages 18 years 9 3 Nature Born This way tempermant Nurture Sculpted into you throughout life Disorders w genetic predisposition Depressiom autism alcoholism schizophrenia Alishomers Traits w genetic predisposition Memory Scholastic Achievement Vocational interest Verbal Ability Intelligence Extro Intro version Neuroticism Openness Agreeableness Conscientiousness Genes account for 30 60 of the variation of the inherriitable trait Nuture works on nature It is not just one or the other Stability vs Change Is personality stable over time Early life expierences set the life path Everybody influences each other in their environment Scientific investigation Description Average trends Explanation Why do we develop Optimization How to optimize others and ourselves Science not defined by what it studies but how it does it Cycle of science Observation theory Hypotheses systematic observation support or modify theory After these 5 steps you return back to step 2 Theory and repeat 9 10 Developmental Design Looks at age Freud Behaviourism Psychoanalytic Theory Development is nature s interaction w nurture 3 Structures that form personality I D Superego Ego I D present at birth our instinct to seek pleasure and avoid pain to express the self Superego In place by 3 6 years Constraints placed by parents and society Ego Begins to form in infancy It is the way we cope with our instincts and the constraints of family and society Ego I D Superego Internal Conflict anxiety from the struggle between biological demands and societal expectations The goal of psychoanalytical therapy is to bring repressed material from the unconscious to conscious Three structures of the mind Conscious mind aware of it Unconscious mind kept from our awareness memory expierence that is too threatening becomes a repressed memory Primal drives must stay in check Implicit memorys memories from infancy early childhood Brain Amygdala Our emotional Brain expierence dependent Pre frontal Cortex Our thinking Brain Attachment Schema Scripts for how we relate to others and how others relate to us Implicit Memories Known w o being thought about Behaviourial Therapy Skinner and Bandura Personality is shaped by early expeirence which involved learning Learning for Skinner involves Positive Reinforcement reward for positive behavior Negative Reinforcement Removal of aversive event when positive behavior is present Learning rom Bandura Modeling Behavior off of significant others How parents act is more influencial than what they say about a childs actions 9 12 Erickson Contexualism Lifelong development Multidimensionality emotion social Multidisciplinary across fields Plasticity degree of change Erickson Stages Trust vs Mistrust birth 18 months Autonomy vs Shame and Doubt 18 months 3 Years Initiative vs Guilt 4 5 Years Industry vs Inferiority 6 10 Years old Indentity vs Indentity Confusion 11 22 Years old Intimacy vs Isolation 22 35 Years old Generativity vs Self Absorption Middle Adulthood Hope Faith and Integrity vs Despair Old age old old age Characteristics of psychosocial Crises Our attention is focused on a specific task The way in which a task is resolved will have an effect on subsequent tasks Resolution is not an all or nothing matter Crises is not a time of disaster The attitude we have acquired can be challenged at a later time The attitudes we acquire form a basic orientation toward the intereptation of life experiences That which we perceive to be real will be real in itself Start of Exam 2 Notes Brothan Brennard Theory Discontinuous Development Stage Theory Continuous Development build on each other Interpretation of examples 9 19 Infants Trust is the confidence that there needs will be met Established by 18 months old Through Mother infant interactions As an infant we learn whether or not the world is generally safe Born to form attachments physically wired to develop in tandem Two components that foster trust Matching presence of similar behavior Synchrony movement from one emotional state to another fluid pattern As time progresses understanding of amount of time between expression and satisfying the need Spoiling a baby is a myth John Bolby Originated the attachment Theory 2 Factors babies need to survive Protection Exploration Protection Other people are our primary environment Exploration we posess a drive to strike out on our own to manipulate the environment These two drives are contradictory to each other Human babies don t depend on how fast they can run etc But instead on the caretakers ability to detect the baby s needs and respond consistently and w emotional availability Sensitivity of caregiver most important in secure attachment Reciprocal Influence Individual influences and is influenced by it s environment i e parents A relationship between spouses can affect the way a parent relates to the child Caspi Study Longitudal Study Birth 21 years old Psychological test Irritable Children Age 3 Mood swings difficulty staying on task Age 18 Agressive impulsive Confliction interpersonal relationships Age 21 Unreliable likely to abuse alcohol conflict in interpersonal relationships Age 3 Shy Fearful Age 18 over cautious over controlled non assertive followers rather than leaders Age 21 Lower levels of social support More likely to be depressed less affliative lacking lively interest engagement in the world Autonomy vs Shame Doubt Autonomy sense of seperateness sense of ones self as an individual to have a Shame Doubt Have its roots in criticism Begin to use words Move about more easily interactions w others are more meaningful Sense of self enhanced choice Biologically Socially Psychologically Imitation Impulse Control Child becomes more autonomous through observational learning gaining ccontrol over powerful impulses Children aged 2 4 are increasingly able to self regulate Adults can help children through Modeling Reassurance and suggestions

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PSU HDFS 129 - Notes

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