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10 22 2013 Jeffrey Arnett young adulthood Emerging Adulthood a distinct period of development that differs from adolescence and takes place between 18 25 years of age is characterized by independent exploration and frequent change 1970 Typical 21 Year Old married or about to be married caring for a child or planning a pregnancy done with education settled into a change of role of full time mother Today Typical 21 Year Old marriage and parenthood not for another 5 years education may last more years will experience job change Why invention of birth contro sexual revolution of 60s and 70s mom would get married just to have sex increase in years devoted to higher education change in women s role jobs leadership delayed marriage kids Love Adolescents Emerging Adults Young Adults married with kids dating primarily recreational experimental dating a serious search for a partner Work Education Adolescents service jobs purpose of work to support leisure activities 95 enrolled in school Emerging Adults laying groundwork for adult occupation 60 go on to higher education 32 complete 4 or more years of school trying unusual work educational possibilities Young Adults settled into career only 10 involved in higher education Age of Stability Changing the plan changing major in college dropping out of college dissatisfaction with work romantic relationship Moving Why Emerging adults have highest rate of residential change of any group Going to college want to move away from parents dropping out of college changing roommates wanting to live with significant other break up with significant other graduate college new job grad school Examining worldviews enter emerging adulthood with worldviews learned in childhood and adolescence college students are exposed to greater diversity and as a result change worldviews emerging adults who don t attend college are as likely to examine existing worldviews and form their own set of beliefs and values moving back in with parents good sense of settlement and parents accept you as an adult interact like adults I m very sure I will get to where I want to be in my life someday 96 of 18 to 24 year olds agree most emerging adults are pessimistic about future of society Reports of drug use and loneliness are higher during emerging adulthood than at any other time in the lifespan Top 3 criteria for achieving adulthood accepting responsibility for yourself making independent decisions being financially independent A few more points Emerging adulthood extends identity development vasty different from others la a more active role in own development without college there s less excitement and personal growth in emerging adults 10 24 2013 In adolescence In adulthood females Intimacy open supportive and tender relationship without fear of losing one s self able to put aside self at times Isolation self absorption fear of losing one s self unwillingness to compromise Friendships come BEFORE romantic relationships female friendships are face to face with emphasis on self disclosure male friendships are side by side with emphasis on cooperation leadership competition males demonstrate more competitiveness less agreement and less self disclosure than Self disclosure levels in friendships Lowest male male Higher male female Highest female female In heterosexual marriage males most often name their wives as their best friends Women however often name another female as their best friend not husband Therefore divorce is more emotionally devastating for males Identity Status and Intimacy avoid conflict Foreclosed Diffused Moratorium Achieved still figuring it out Most success Difficulty with commitment adopt partner s identity lack depth Females are more likely to be in moratorium and males are more likely to Males are more likely to enter a committed relationship AFTER career Clarification of interpersonal relationships precedes career plans for Women marry younger Women initiate divorce more often because they marry without identity be achieved plans are made females achievement Attachment and Intimacy Securely Attached Insecure anxious 55 Feel close to others can depend on them 20 not trusting cling to partner jealous overly dependent Insecure avoidant 25 uncomfortable being close find intimacy unpleasant little emotional expression Authenticity to feel and know I am being real genuine and honest in relationships Empathy to be attuned to other s feelings and thoughts How do we foster healthy relationships mutual empathy emotional responsiveness mutual authenticity relational honesty 10 29 2013 Sexual Socialization the process of learning how to be a sexual person and how to have sexual relationships through the modeling of observed behavior from peers family and media Media is the top contributor to sexual socialization today Pornography is the top contributor from media sources to sexual socialization today History of Pornography in Modern America Free love movement 1968 United States President s Commission on Obscenity and Pornography No link study received a lot of publicity between porn use and negative attitudes toward women 1974 Larry Flynt First Pink Shots First images of vulva in print 1976 Meese Report for the Attorney General s Commission on Pornography Yes link Study received No publicity between porn use and negative attitudes toward women Erotica vs Pornography Erotica Images that have their focus the depiction of mutually pleasurable sexual expression between people who have enough power to be there by positive choice They have no sexist or violent connotations and are hinged on equal power dynamics between the individuals and the camera Pornography Images that imply acts of submission or violence by the positioning of the models or use of props They imply unequal power relationships by differential dress costuming positioning or by setting up the viewer as a voyeur Pornography and Feminism Pro porn feminists Pornography will liberate women to appreciate their bodies enjoy sex and not feel guilty about it Pornography celebrates our sexuality Anti porn feminists Pornography is degrading to women because it objectifies them Pornography users will soon objectify all women not just porn stars and sexual assault will become rampant Porn Usage After High Speed Internet Frequency of Use 1995 5x yr 2005 5x wk 4 A s Accessible anyone who has access to internet has access to pron Affordable most internet porn is free or cheap Anonymous you can purchase use porn without

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