Mizzou PSYCH 2410 - Speech Outline

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Speech Outline Informative speech Whitney Houston Intro Whitney Houston was a singer an innovator an actress a producer an icon my role model a friend a mother and a person All of these things describe a phenomenal woman Born August 9 1963 Houston seemed destined from birth to become a singer Mother Cissy Houston cousin Dianne Warwick and God mother Aretha Franklin are all legendary singers In her infamous interview with Diane Sawyer Houston stated I think I knew at an early age that my singing ability was an infectious thing God had given me Whitney the Singer Body Paragraph 1 At 19 Clive Davis a very famous producer discovered Whitney Houston in a nightclub At 20 she made her debut on The Merv Griffen Show singing Home During the next two years she spent her time working on her first self titled album Her hit singles including Saving All my Love for You helped her album to remain number on the charts for 14 consecutive weeks She won her first Grammy in 1986 at just 23 years old not too long after she released her 2nd album Whitney in 1987 That album also went platinum several times and won her more Grammys Clive Davis told ET News reporters after her 2nd Grammy appearance There will never another it s hard to make a comparison Two Emmy s four US Number 1 albums 6 People s Choice Awards 6 Grammys 7 Soul Train Music Awards 11 Number 1 songs 16 NAACP Image awards 22 American Music awards 30 Billboard Music awards 99 RIAA Awards 562 total nominations 415 awards overall all this with 170 Million Albums Singles And Videos Sold Worldwide talk about great By the year of 1992 Houston s life took a turn for better or worse Whitney the woman the mother the person Body Paragraph 2 In 1992 Houston married singer Bobby Brown At first the marriage was passionate and loving but things turned for the worse when Brown battled substance abuse and increasingly erratic behavior In spite of this Whitney Houston continued to progress in her career staying by Brown s side and working hard for their marriage to stay intact In my opinion this showed Houston s commitment to those things and people she loved After the birth of their daughter Bobbi Kristina Houston s health seemed to become an issue and her family and friends began to worry In 1990 and early 2000 their rocky marriage increased and struggles with substance abuse began to derail her career Several concert cancellations along with the interview I mentioned above Diane Sawyer pointed out that Houston looked far too thin Houston also denied being on drugs CLIP Despite all of her problems throughout her years her fans stood by her side and she remained to be an iconic figure Body Paragraph 3 The impact Houston made on everyone around her was incredible I am a huge fan myself even though her career peaked when I was just a young girl This just goes to show you that no matter the age Houston was able to reach them through her music MOVIE CLIPS Conclusion The legacy Whitney Houston leaves behind is amazing What I want you all to get from my informative speech is behind all of her success she is a real person who had problems just like us People still loved and cared for her despite all of that That is what makes you great when you can still progress though all of the triumphs and trials This is what Whitney Houston leaves behind

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Mizzou PSYCH 2410 - Speech Outline

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