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Study Guide CCJS 100 Exam 1 The exam will consist of 50 multiple choice questions The material covered for this exam consists of lecture discussion and readings assigned from January 25th February 22nd This study guide is intended as a guide That is it should give you insight into most of the material you need to pay attention to but all the material presented during the timeframe specified above can be covered on this exam Rules regarding Exams We will be using a scantron answer sheet please remember to bring a pencil We will not have pencils provided to you Please shut your cellphones off prior to entering the exam room If you are caught using your cellphone or any other electronic devise during the exam you will receive a zero and the case will be referred to the Honor Council for review Please wash any handwriting off of your hands prior to taking the exam Even if it s a grocery list it looks an awful lot like crib notes to us No hats Water bottles and other beverage containers must be placed out of view No talking Try not to look at anything other than the exam in front of you If you look around too much we will likely move you to the front of the room for the remainder of the exam If you have a question please raise your hand We will be happy to answer what we can Study guide Week 1 Introduction Course Overview My expectations Week 2 The Criminal Justice System The extent of crime and how the U S compares to other countries o Drugs DUI larceny theft o Southeast highest crime rate northeast lowest o US has a lot of crime Goals of criminal justice o Doing justice controlling crime preventing crime Different roles of criminal justice agents o Police o Courts Keep peace protect rights Apprehend violators Prevent crime educate public Provide social services direct traffic o Corrections Dual court separate judicial system for each state each case is tried in a court of the same jurisdiction as where the laws were broken Adjudication process of determining whether a person is guilty Supervisors in state and federal corrections systems as well as within the community Prisons jails probation intermediate sanctions are the major programs and facilities Public nonprofit and for profit agencies carry out these programs Criminal justice as a system parts functions and dysfunctions o INTERDEPENDENT o Federal system Far more offenders break state laws Expansion of federal involvement o Social system Actions directed by goals and influenced by environment Exchange mutual transfer of resources ex Plea bargain Subsystems police courts corrections o Discretion officials act base of their own judgment o Resource dependence depend on agencies for funding and positive image o Sequential tasks arrest then pass case to prosecutor then determine charges Exchange relationship depends on each other to achieve goals o Filtering screen out some cases while advance others to the next level of decision making Some cases go free because not enough evidence or no crime was committed Funnel many cases enter but few results in conviction punishment Models of criminal justice Criminal justice wedding cake o Layer 1 celebrated cases that are unusual and receive public attention and often have a trial and appeals o Layer 2 Felonies serious crimes usually carrying a penalty of death or of incarceration for more than one year o Layer 3 felonies but these are seen as less important than those in layer 2 Cases may be the same but the offender may have no record and the main goal is to dispose of these cases as quickly as possible filtering and plea bargaining o Layer 4 Misdemeanors 90 of all cases fall into this category public drunkness prostitution shoplifting Probation fines or short sentences o Purpose to show that all cases are treated equally and processed in an identical fashion Disparities and discrimination in the system Explanations o African Americans Hispanics and other minorities are subjected to the criminal justice system at much higher rates than the whites 24 o Disparity a difference between groups that may either be explained by legitimate factors or indicate discrimination o Discrimination differential treatment of individuals or groups based on race ethnicity gender sexual orientation or economic status instead of on their behavior or qualifications o 1 People of color commit more crimes Social context relate to crimes Predisposition Focus of police attention based off of the crimes committed o 2 The criminal justice system is racist with the result that people of color are treated more harshly If people who commit the same offenses are treated differently Minorities are less likely to benefit in situations Longer sentences o 3 The criminal justice system expresses the racism found in society as a whole False arrests Overrepresentation in justice system mala in se wrong in themselves murder rape mala prohibita wrong because government says so gambling prostitution drugs Week 3a Theories Definition of crime Types of crime o Typical One on one harm o Occupational victimless White collar Fraud embezzlement o Other Political cyber organized Understand how each of the theories explain crime and or criminal behavior o Learning theories differential association social learning theory neutralize accepted norms so they can drift into impulsive insensitive physical risk taking short Criminal behavior is learned from others Through modeling reinforcement conditioning o Self control o Neutralization criminal behavior sighted nonverbal o Social control theory belief racial ethnic heterogeneity lack of community bond that shape criminal careers o Strain theory o Labeling theory o Lifecourse theories o Social disorganization theory self identification of delinquent label attachment commitment involvement residential mobility poverty failure to achieve success frustration crime more of a perspective identifies factors Laub and Sampson college marriage military service usually ends criminal activity o Critical criminology more of a perspective justice system is designed by those in power to suppress those that are not in power draw from many different disciplines o Integrated theories Week 3b Basics of Law Understand where law came from o From England to America A mixture of the common law tradition and statutory changes that have been made over the years Most significant change is Modern Penal Code 1960s 80s Know the elements of crime 4 parts Actus Reus the evil act Mens Rea the evil mind Attendant

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UMD CCJS 100 - Exam 1

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