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CCJS100 Introduction to Criminal Justice Sec 0103 Katie Zafft Crime consists of behaviors the government prohibits o Two types Mala in se Mala prohibita Crime is not o Universal o Fixed stagnant Example Shifting drug policies o Since the 1980s possession of 100 grams of powder cocaine carried the same penalty as 1 gram of crack cocaine o In 2010 the Fair Sentencing Act reduced this disparity to 18 1 Types of Crime Typical o Typical Crime focus of the CJS One on one harm physical injury loss of something valuable or both Victimless offenses against morality o Types of Crime Occupational Fraud embezzlement corporate crime Yearly losses from this type of crime are more than 10 000 times the total amount taken in bank robberies and more than 20 times the total amount stolen in thefts 994 billion annually compared to 15 billion annually o Types of Crime Other Political by or against a government entity Cyber committed using computers internet Organized framework for criminal enterprise o Historical Perspectives Demonology those who commit crimes or act with ill behavior came from evil spirits People are not inherently bad but are possessed by an evil force criminal comes from an individual with certain Phrenology Atavism inherent biological traits Somatotypes Eugenics o Biological Perspectives Focus on genetics but in the context of inherited traits that are conducive to crime Studies of twins genetics component for committing intimate violence and juvenile aggression Focus on genes that influence propensity to commit crime Genes do not cause crime alone the environment has a significant impact o Classical School Theories Tendencies can be funneled into different directions Based on free will people are hedonistic pursue pleasure and avoid pain Rational Choice Deterrence Theory Offenders weigh pros cons Routine Activities Theory Motivated Offender suitable target lack of capable guardian Discretion Policing Discretion A Policeman must make choices depending on the situation how they should approach an issue who they arrest how much force they use etc Police Force Size o There are 883 600 employed police and detectives in the US o Almost 80 of police are employed by local governments o US Customs and Border Protection employs the largest number of police at the federal level Profession o Median annual earnings are roughly 40 000 65 000 o Women hold approximately 12 of all law enforcement jobs Police Function Three primary o Order maintenance o Law enforcement o Service Emphasis on each differs with respect to cultural adaptation o Decentralized force Decentralized function Policing England America England 1829 Sir Robert Peel o Developed at a time of political unrest in London o Primary function was to prevent crime o Did not carry firearms o High turnover to maintain high quality standards for officers o Officers were respected based on the institution they embodied America 1830s o Developed at a time of ethnic conflict in New York o Officers were respected based on their personal power Political Era Police and politicians have an intimate relationship o Favoritism o Promotion based on political favors and bribery Assigned to patrol detail based on political affiliation personal contacts ethnicity Priorities of the police from highest to lowest o Get and hold the job o Exploit possibilities for bribery payoffs o Do as little actual patrol work as possible o Establish authority in the face of hostility in the community o Occasionally arrest offenders Professional Era 19302 1970s Progressive Movement ushered in reform Technological Changes Primary goal remove political element Professionalization o Admission standards o Training Programs o Ethical code Distance from the community o Respond learn facts respond to facts leave o Created the thin blue line Began to breakdown in 1960s and 1970s Community Era 1970s now Goals o Crime control o Crime prevention o Police community problem solving COOP POP Successful only if police community cooperation is gained Forcing a new old path Coupled with a new focus on criminal justice research o Policing from the medical model Culture of Policing Wilson s Styles of Behavior Watchmen System looking out for the community promoting safety Don t care about making arrests just about keeping peace Legalistic System focused on acting as the hand of the law strict interpretation of the legal code Little policing discretion used Servant system Use of appropriate amount of discretion to respond to a situation Each style can describe specific departments or individual officers Which model of criminal is like an assembly line where cases are processed Exam 1 Review smoothly and efficiently o Crime Control Model As informal social control becomes less effective formal social Police developed as an institution to compensate for informal control is necessary institutions What does it mean when we say criminal justice is based on the concept of federalism o It means the power in the criminal justice system is divided between a central national government and regional state governments What is a hot spot o A place where a lot of crime occurs or is likely to occur Describe the difference between the crime control model and the due process model o Crime control every effort must be mad to repress crime through efficiency speed and finality o Due process every effort must be made to ensure that criminal justice decisions are based on informed decisions like an obstacle course Crime has been declining in last 20 years 7 of individuals who commit crimes make it to trial stage What crimes are cleared by arrest more often than rape robbery burglary or theft o Murder and assault Most arrests in the US are for o Drugs DUI Larceny Theft prosecuted o 33 Of those who are arrested for crimes approximately what percent are What kind of court system does the U S have o Dual court system When the accused person appears in court to hear the indictment or information read by a judge and to enter a plea is called the phase What are the three most common reasons people are not held criminally o Arraignment phase responsible o 1 Defense of Excuse o 2 Defense of Justification o 3 Procedural Defenses Conduct that is criminal even though the harm that the law seeks to prevent has not been done but merely planned or attempted is what kind of offense o Inchoate Offenses What does the good faith exception to the exclusionary rule refer to o Its an exception to the exclusionary rule illegally

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