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Chapter 10 Corrections Development of Corrections the variety of programs services facilities and organizations responsible for managing criminals Invention of the Penitentiary o Happened during the Enlightenment period o Prior to 1800 forms of punishment were flogging branding and maiming and death o There were jails in America but they just held people awaiting trial or to punish them for no paying debts o England John Howard wrote the book State of Prisons in England and Wales helped influence the passing of the Penitentiary act of 1779 which called for houses of hard labor o Penitentiary institution intended to punish criminals by isolating them from society and from one another so they can reflect repent and reform 4 principles Secure and Sanitary inspections so offenders would follow the rules abolition of the fees charged offenders for food reformatory regime a place of industry Reform in the US o Correctional philosophy reflected the ideas in the DOI Rights and optimistic views of humans o The Pennsylvania System Philadaelphia Society for Alleviating the Miseries of Public Prisons claimed that criminals can best be reformed in penitentiaries in solitary confinement Separate confinement system in which each inmate was held in isolation from other inmates all activities including work took place in cells 1 Hard and selective forms of suffering will change 2 Solitary confinemtn would prevent further corruption 3 isolation creates reflection and repenting 4 SC is punishment because humans are social by their lives inside prison nature 5 Economical Eastern Penitentiary near 1829 put this into action Had several problems w in first 5 years like selective confinement not being observed physical punishment and mental breakdowns o New York System Auburn 1819 Congregate system each inmate was held in isolation during the night but worked and ate with other prisoners during the day while under a rule of silence o Prisons in South and West Warden Elam Lynds said industrial efficacy is the purpose of prison Contract labor system inmates labor was sold on a contractual basis to private employers who provided machinery and materials and made products in prison Before 1817 some followed Auburn some followed Penn After civil war they lacked funds to build prisons and had a lot of offenders Lease system inmates were leased to contractors who provided prisoners with food and clothing in exchange for labor Exploited prisoners worse than slaves Prior to statehood western prisoners were held in territorial facilities and federal military posts and prisons Also had leasing program San Point Cal first large prison built of prisoner labor o Prisons had become overcrowded understaffed and under financed Reformatory Movement w in 40 years o Cincinnati 1870 National Prison Association advocated that prisons should have inmate change with a system with reformation rewarded by release Given sentences of indeterminate length and proof of reformation o Elmira Reformatory Diagnosis and treatment were key forms of rehabilitation Rigid schedule during the day followed by educational courses in the evening mark system point system which prisoners can reduce their term and gain release by earning points through good labor behavior and education prisoners fate was in his own hands Improving Prison Conditions for Women o Women s Prison Association was formed in NY in 1884 with goal of improving treatment of women prisoners and separating them from men o Cincinnati Declaration of Principles endorsed separate treatment oriented prisons o 3 principles of female prison reform were separation of female prisoners from men needs of women and management by female staff Rehabilitation Model o Emphasizes the need to restore an offender to a constructive place in society through training and therapy o Improve social environment that breeds crime treat them Diagnose and treatment o Medical model criminal behavior is caused by biological or psychological conditions that require treatment Need doctors who can diagnose and treat Community Model o Community corrections based on the goal of reintegrating offenders into the community increase opportunities for criminals to succeed View prisons as institutions that hindered offenders for finding Crime Control Model a crime free lifestyle o Assumes that be criminal behavior can be controlled by more use of incarceration and other forms of strict supervision Tough on crime Organization of Correction in the United States Federal Corrections System State Corrections System o Federal Bureau of Prisons operates prisons Created by congress in 1930 Classified from Level 1 to Level 5 based on dangerous Have prisons based on level Has contractual agreements with states and cities to provide halfway houses and prerelease programs o Administrative Office of the United States Courts covers probation and parole supervisions o Federal Probations and Parole Supervision Provided by the federal probation and pretrial services system Appoint probation officers who serve the court Assist w presentence investigation but mainly focus on supervising offenders on probation o Administration of prisons falls under state executive branch which is important because judiciary controls probation county governments run the jails o Community Corrections Probation and sanctions are administered by county govt s Parole is a function of the state and the parole boards are a part of either the department or an independent agency o State Prison Systems Prisons reformatories hallways hosues etc variety Classified by level of security max med and min Due to crowding many max level prisoners are forced into med security prisons Supermax prisons toughest of the tough Maximum security prison is built like a fortress so no one can escape Live in electronic cells so guards can operate Military style approach Medium security prison atmosphere is less rigid Have access to the outside world Work and rehab programs Min Security lacks military style prisoners live in small dorms compared to private cells Have a lot of access to the outside world can dress how o State Institutions for women they want and watch tv Higher proportion of women prisoners these day due to the war on drugs Conditions are more pleasant than men prison o Entrepreneurs argue that they can build and run prisons as effectively as the gov t but with less costs involved Same level of care but more chap and flexible o Political issues involved such as the

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