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What is the lowest level of biological organization that can perform all the activities required for life Lecture 1 study questions More than one answer may be correct When should I register for Mastering Biology in this class a January 28 b January 27 or earlier c When I get enough money to afford to register d When my mom buys me a new computer e Late March or April when I become concerned about my grade f What s Mastering Biology When should I register my clicker for this class a Before 7AM on Tuesday January 28 b As soon as possible c When I can afford to buy a clicker d When my mom buys me a new computer e In late March when I become concerned with my Biology 150 grade f What s a clicker When do I check the batteries in my clicker a Whenever b Every minute of every day c Before class d After class e Do clickers need batteries a organelle for example a chloroplast b cell for example a skin cell c tissue for example nervous tissue d organ system for example the reproductive system e organism for example an amoeba dog human or maple tree A purpose for this course is to a understand how cells function b understand how cells interact with the environment c understand how cells were created d understand how cells are studied and how results are interpreted e understand and interpret news articles about basic biology d learn to ask questions and critically interpret answers Biology 150 will focus on a how cells create the elements that they use to live b how cells assemble electrons and protons to form atoms and molecules c how small and large molecules interact to make a living cell d how organisms interact with their environment e life on other planets The best way to study for Biology 150 is to a practice every night b rewrite notes after each lecture or before the next lecture c attend UKanTeach meetings d meet individually or in a small group with Dr Dentler and ask him questions e review exam and quiz answers to learn from mistakes f party regularly and hope that grades will be curved to let you pass g take each clicker question and do your best to answer the questions correctly h study from old exams and hope the same questions will be on the current exams i do Mastering Biology homework to reinforce information presented in lectures Charles Darwin based his theory of evolution on a reading the bible b his views that religion was wrong c observations of a variety of animals and plants d guesswork The scientific method is a a precisely defined series of steps designed to answer only scientific questions b a sensible series of steps you use to answer nearly any question c something scientists use to confuse everyone else d not really important in real life People who characterize evolution as just a theory show that they a know the difference between a hypothesis and a theory b do not understand that theory in science is a broad overarching concept that explains a variety of observations and instead think scientists use the term theory as a synonym for hypothesis c understand how science accumulates information about the nature of the natural world d understand how to develop scientific experiments The theory of evolution developed by Darwin and others a is a theory and is no better than any other idea of how organisms are related b provides a framework for understanding relationships among all living cells and organisms c may be replaced with a different idea if sufficient scientific evidence is discovered in support of another hypothesis Possible discussion questions Take a short walk with a colleague s and consider some process you observe in the world around you a bird flying a squirrel running across the grass or in your own world how do you see where you are going Why are you breathing Discuss with your colleagues how you might answer some of your questions Would any of your attempts be similar to the process we define as scientific method Some of the answers to your questions may already be available Where would you search for these answers before carrying out experiments of your own Scientists regularly debate theories and hypotheses and change them based on the arguments that are presented Does this mean that scientific theories are no better than opinions held by scientists and that faith based explanations of life are more sound Explain your answer

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