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Lecture 1 Monday August 29 2011 14 19 Primary Source a source created from the time in question news pares magazines etc Secondary source Sources written about the time but not on it History books papers etc Lecture 2 Wednesday August 31 2011 14 21 1865 19hundreds The industrial revolution Why such a big deal Transportation revolution Railroads Canals Energy revolution Communications revolution Telegraph Telephone Uses coal later kerosene then gasoline These interlocking revolutions created a massive interlocking marketplace Creates competition lower prices large national brand taking over the small local United states becomes a beneficiary of a global labor market cheap labor At the beginning of the 19th century the US enjoyed growth primarily in the Without foreign capital great Britain the Netherlands to develop the national market no import railroads and other industries Capital flowed into united states Factors leading to Industrialization in the U S After the civil war and because of the civil war united states began to industrialize Civil war meant that the government had to purchase large quantities of equipment shoes guns ammo which led to industrialization National markets Abundant natural recourses that did not need to be imported coal timber silver gold Entrepreneurs Captains of industry or robber barons the United states created an opportunity for Entrepreneurs allowing economic growth New Business practices accounting developing standardized business practices across America a b a a b o o stores 1 2 3 New sales and marketing practices o o Marketing and advertising grew exponentially Creating an technological race R D Immigrant Labor cheap labor would travel for job opportunities allowing cities such as Chicago to grow Government assistance to industrialization The us government protects patents allowing R D Tariffs a tax on an imported goods o The US put a Tariff on British steel making it more worth while to purchase American production and creating a higher market value for American products America gave land to railroad companies 130 million acres the land value around the railroad shot up when the railroad came through Railroads Not just an economic industry of there own also a stimulus for the economy The railroads need steel Labors etc creation of a national market The first to work on a side and scale that was capable on a national scope including o o o o Steel market The bessmore process created steel that was less brittle good for more products Railroads Agriculture steel plows stimulated the breadbasket of America the mid west Architecture created the ability to create skyscrapers allowing cities to develop and industry tools Andrew Carnegie started in Railroads moved to steel Carnegie steel later US Steel was to become the first billion dollar industry Vertical integration US Steel owned every step of the Steel making process mines transportation factories etc everything from the raw materials to the finished product Most companies today move away from the idea of vertical immigration model as less efficient but in the 19th century it was a big idea o The price of steel goes down as production costs drop and production is 1859 oil uses were discovered Kerosene for lighting and heating Lubricants Paints Oil increased In 1870 Rockefeller enters the oil business creates standard oil Controls 90 of all oil refining Horizontal integration controlling all of one step in the process in this case the oil refining Rockefeller controlled the price of oil Lecture 3 Sunday September 18 2011 23 49 America moves from an agricultural economy to an industrial economy 1870 America is an agricultural economy By 1900 the agricultural community is reduced by a third and the industrial mining trade manufacturing accounting white collar work community exploded o o o o o Throughout this time inequality rose A smaller percentile of the population controlled a greater part of the American wealth In the late 19th century the conditions of the working class were People would work 10 12 hours a day 6 days a week Sundays off This was in good times There was little or no workers comp No vacation or sick leave A salary of 400 500 a year The average household expense was 600 Child labor in industrial locations made 25 cents a day Children in textile factories often developed lung disease from the cotton fibers in the air and lost fingers to the machinery Women workers of the late19th century young single women sent to work by their family s before they got married slightly more than 25 cents a day to the family economy The response of the working class o Strikes The railroad strike of 1877 Wildcat strike In 1873 the US has a financial crises which causes a long term recession There was 30 unemployment The railroads in an attempt to minimize costs to survive the economy slashed for the second time in the same year the workers wages This resulted in a series of violent protests and strikes from Baltimore to Chicago In many parts of the country the State militia was called in to quell the revolts which often resulted in great damages to the property of the companies In extreme cases the army was called in As a result a wave of national armories are set up across the country to quicken the reaction of the militia Other strike activities were in more rural areas such as mining areas as a result of the strikes Labor unions are established as a counterweight to the industrial leaders Nights of Labor o Led by Terance Powderly o o o o o o o o o o o o o The knights of labor were not organized by craft they were the producers of wealth Skilled unskilled Men women in some parts of the country African Americans Three groups of people were not allowed into the knights of labor Bankers Lawyers Financiers The knights of labor petitioned for The 8 hour day Demolish the wage system they proffered an idea of a co op where the worker is rewarded from his labor as oppose to for his labor The Knights of labor began to grow in the 1880 s Their success ended in 1886 Haymarket riots an anarchist threw a bomb into a group of police causing the knights of labors reputation to be destroyed American Federation of Labor Still exists today as the AFL Formed in direct response to the fears of immigrant radicals that were associated with the knights Founded by Samuel Gompers 1886 1924 A cigar maker Only skilled craft workers Skilled craft workers could agitate for things in there own craft They had power over the

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