7 9 4 1 The Spanish were at Santa Fe in 1610 The French were at Quebec in 1608 The English were at Jamestown Virginia in 1607 Supposedly the same rights as the Englishmen back at home 2 3 Maryland was formed in 1634 by Lord Baltimore Maryland was made for a refugee for the Catholics to escape the wrath of the Protestant English government The Act of Toleration which was passed in 1649 by the local representative group in Maryland granted toleration to all Christians There were a few people who wanted to see the process of taking Catholicism out of England occur more quickly These people were called Puritans A tiny group of Puritans called Separatists broke away from the Church of England Fearing that his subjects would defy him both as their political leader and spiritual leader King James I the head of state of England and head of the church from 1602 1625 threatened to harass the more bothersome the Separatists out of the land In 1664 the Dutch were forced to surrender their territory New Netherland to the English when a strong English squadron appeared of the coast of New Amsterdam New Amsterdam was named New York after the Duke of York William Penn was attracted to the Quaker faith in 1660 In 1681 he managed to secure from King Charles II an immense grant of fertile land in consideration of a monetary debt owed to his deceased father by the crown The king called the area Pennsylvania 5 6 Began to trade with themselves and truly thrive even though disease and poor condition ravaged most The thirteen colonies were also all democratic at the time 1 5 million pounds of tobacco were being shipped out of the Chesapeake Bay every year and almost 40 million by the end of the century Because of the massive amounts of tobacco crops planted by families indentured servants were brought in from England to work on the farms In exchange for working they received transatlantic passage and eventual freedom dues including a few barrels of corn a suit of clothes and possibly a small piece of land Virginia and Maryland employed the head right system to encourage the importation of servant workers Under its terms whoever paid the passage of a laborer received the right to acquire 50 acres of land 8 Half of the people born in early Virginia and Maryland did not survive to celebrate their 20 th birthday Died of malaria dysentery and typhoid fever Africans had been brought to Jamestown as early as 1619 but as late as 1670 they numbered only about 2 000 in Virginia only about 7 of the total population of the South In the 1680 s the wages in England rose therefore decreasing the number of indentured servants coming to America By the mid 1680 s black salves outnumber white servants among the plantation colonies new arrivals In 1698 the Royal African Company first chartered in 1672 lost its monopoly on carrying slaves to the colonies Due to this many Americans including many Rhode Islanders rushed to cash in on the slave trade Blacks accounted for half the population of Virginia by 1750 In South Carolina they outnumbered whites 2 1 Most of the slaves came from the west coast of Africa especially stretching from present day Senegal to Angola Beginning in Virginia in 1662 statues appeared that formally decreed the iron conditions of slavery for blacks The earliest slave codes made blacks and their children the property of the white masters for life 10 Family came first with New Englanders There was low premarital pregnancy rates in contrast with the Chesapeake Because southern men frequently died young leaving widows with small children to support the southern colonies generally allowed women to retain separate title to their property and gave widows the right to inherit their husband s estates But in New England Puritan lawmakers worried that recognizing women s separate property rights would undercut the unity of married persons by acknowledging conflicting interests between husband and wife When a man dies the Church inherited the property not the wife 11 Condemned the Indians for underutilizing the land and its bounty felt a duty to improve the land by 12 clearing woodlands and laying settlements 7 of the population in 1775 They were lawless individuals By the mid 18th century a chain of Scots Irish settlements lat scattered along the great s wagon road which hugged the eastern Appalachian foothills from Pennsylvania to Georgia The Scot Irish led the armed march of the Paxton Boys in Philadelphia in 1764 protesting the Quaker oligarchy s lenient policy toward the Indians and a few years later spearheaded the Regular movement in North Carolina a small but nasty insurrection against eastern domination of the colony s affairs 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 Agriculture was the leading industry involving about 90 of the people The staple crop in Maryland and Virginia was tobacco The fertile middle bread colonies produced large quantities of grain The Great Awakening exploded in the 1730s and 1740s The Awakening was started in the Northampton MA by Jonathan Edwards He said that through faith in God not through doing good works could one attain salvation He had an alive style of preaching George Whitefield gave America a different kind of enthusiastic type of preaching The old lights orthodox clergyman were skeptical of the new ways of preaching New lights on the other hand defended the Awakening for its role in revitalizing American religion Nearly every colony used a two house legislative body The upper house or council was appointed by the crow in the royal colonies and the proprietor in the proprietary colonies The lower house as the popular branch was elected by the people New France contained one valuable resource beaver The French founded New Orleans in 1718 The earliest battles among European power for control of North American known to British colonists as King Williams War 1689 1697 and Queen Anne s War 1702 1713 Most of the battles were between the British colonists the French and the French ally Spain The wars ended in 1713 with peace terms signed at Utrecht France and Spain were terribly beaten and Britain received French populated Acadia and Newfoundland and the Hudson Bay The British also won limited trading rights in Spanish America 20 The French and Indian War Seven Years War started in 1754 It was fought in America Europe the West Indies the Philippines Africa and on the ocean In Europe the principal adversaries were Britain and Prussia on one side and France Spain Austria and Russia on the other
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