Social Relativism Contract Theory Thomas Hobbes sovereign John Locke 19th Century England utilitarianism The idea that there should be a social contract relationship between those who are governed and those who govern Based upon empiricism Hedonism Good pleasure and happiness Bad pain unhappiness Jeremy Bentham 1748 1832 The greatest happiness principle Seek the greatest amount of happiness for the greatest number Pleasure Calculus simple way of measuring the amount of happiness Add up the pleasures and subtract the pain Pleasure O Pain John Stuart Mill 1806 1873 Started philosophy at a young age but around 17 or 18 he had a nervous breakdown Became a businessman for the East India Company Then in his older age came back to philosophy Utilitarianism Found a couple of problems with the pleasure calculus 1 Pleasure calculus could be used by a majority to persecute a minority 2 Could be used to promote purely swinish pleasures Pleasure comes in 2 varieties 1 Quantity 2 Quality Both higher or lower pleasures Go to individuals who have experienced both and ask them Morality Lower pleasures selfish Higher pleasures altruistic or selfless Revision of the greatest happiness principle because it does not reflect higher and lower pleasures Revised greatest happiness principle Seek the greatest long term or highest pleasure for the greatest numbers in a society
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