Naturalism Aristotle 384 322 BC Form Matter together Potentiality Actuality The nature of human good is HAPPINESS rejected by Kant What is happiness Aristotle says happiness is an activity of the soul in accordance with virtue in a complete life Activity of the Soul 3 parts of the soul 3 human capacities 1 Nutritive absorbs the matter of things 2 Perceptive absorbs form of things 3 Rational abstract concepts from particulars and communicate them Rational Perceptive Nutritive In Accordance with Virtue Virtue arete Virtue Excellence Conceptual Rational Perceptive A B Nutritive and contemplative life The life of the philosopher 1 Practical Reason a Common sense and science learning b Ethics and morality habit sophrosyne effortless self control Combination of forms and particulars 2 Theoretical Reason a Metaphysics logic and pure mathematics Only concerned with forms In a Complete Life Happiest of the happy having mastered ethics common sense science are free to live the
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