Formal Guide Categorical Imperative Forany Act What would happen should this act become universal law 1 No logical contradiction morally good 2 Logical contradiction not morally good 3 No logical contradiction but clearly violates the do good spirit of the goodwill Hypothetical Imperative uses the question if If I do act X what consequence Y will follow If I steal I might get caught and put in jail not apriori Objections to the Categorical Imperative 1 Can be manipulated to justify almost any act example white lies to make people feel better lies would be undetected and wouldn t be impossible 2 Categorical Imperative appeal to a hypothetical Kant uses hypothetical if in the structure of his categorical imperative IMPERSONAL 1 How much is my life worth 2 Everyone is of infinite worth a Everyone is an end in themselves means Practical Imperative Treat all rational beings including yourself as ends rather than means
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