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3 subdivisions of small intestine duodenum jejunum illeum Absorption transport of digested nutrients absorptive cells uptake digested nutrients Accessory Digestive organs Accessory Organs are Teeth tongue gallbladder salivary glands liver and pancreas connected to the alimentary canal by ducts Alimentary Canal Mouth Pharynz esophagus Stomach large intestine small intestine anal canal the last subdivision of the large intestine autonomic nerve fibers innervate most smooth muscle fibers Bile fats emulsifies cardiac sphincter closes lumen to prevent stomach acid from entering esophagus Cecum Chemical digestion blind pouch beginning of large intestine complex molecule broken down to chemical components chief cels secrete pepsinogen cholecystokinin released in response to fatty chyme colon divided into distinct segments Cystic fibrosis and the pancreas pancreatic ducts become blocked with mucus preventing pancreatic juices from entering small intestine and leading to malabsorption of fats and other nutrients deciduous teeth 20 of them appear at 6 months of age Defection pooping Dense bodies correspone to Z discs of skeletal muscle distal half of large intestine arterial supplied from inferior mesenteric artery duodenal ulcers occur in the duodenum of the small intestine duodenum Endocrine function the esophagus receive enzymes and bile main pancreatic and common bile ducts enter duodenum produces insulin and glucagon regulated blood sugar muscular tube that begins as a continuation of the pharynx and joint the stomach inferior to the diaphragm extrinsic muscles external to the tongue food remains in stomach for how long 4 hours functions of hepatocytes gallbladder Rough ER manufactures blood proteins Smooth ER produces bile salts detoxifies poisons Peroxisomes detoxify poisons alcohol Glycosomes store sugar stores and concentrates bile expels bile into duodenum Gastric glands of funds and body mucous neck cells parietal oxyntic cells chief cells gastric pits Gastric glands that release secretions into the stomach gastric ulcers occur in the pyloric region of the stomach goblet cells secrete mucus that lubricates chyme greater omentum a fatty apron of peritoneum Helicobater Pylori acid resistant binds to gastric epithelium and induces and over seceretion of acid and inflammation hepatocyte functional cells of the liver how is the small intestine innervated para fibers from vagus nerve sympathetic from thoracic splanchic nerves inflammatory bowel disease inflammation of the intestinal wall chrons disease ingestion occurs in the mouth interperitoneal organs list liver stomach illeum jejunum transverse colon sigmoid colon intesinal obstruction mechanical and nonmechanical obstructions intrinsic muscles within the tongue kupffer cells destroy bacteria Labial frenulum connects lips to gum the large intestine digested residue contains few nutrients small amount of digestion by bacteria absorbs water and electrolytes lesser omentum attaches to lesser curvature of stomach lingual frenulum secures tongue to floor of mouth the liver largest gland in the body bile production location of gastric glands deep to the gastric pits mechanical digestion prepares food for chemical digestion chewing churning segmentation mechanical obstructions adhesions tumors or foreign objects mesentary a double layer of peritoneum holds organs in places stores fat provides route for circulatory vessels nerves mesenteries attach to the wall posterior abdominal Midclavicular lines vertical lines of grid mucous neck cells secrete a special mucus myenteric nerve plexus lies between circular and longitudinal muscular is controls peristalsis and segmentation Myofilaments operate by interaction with cytoskeleton name the 2 sheets f two muscle and describe their locations Longitudinal layer parallel to long axis of organ Circular layer deeper layer fibers run around circumference of organ name the 3 regions of the stomach cardiac region fundus body pyloric region Name the 3 types of muscle associated w the tongue intrinsic muscles extrinsic muscles lingual frenulum Name the layers of muscularis circular longitudinal and oblique nonmechanical obstruction halt in peristalsis cause by intestines touched during surgery to trauma palate forms the roof of the mouth pancreas exocrine function parietal cells parotid glands Acinar cels make store and secrete pancreatic enzymes that are activated in the duodenum secrete hydrochloric acid and gastric intrinsic factor parotid duct parallel to zygomatic arch contains only serous cells pepsinogen is activated to when it encounters in the gastric glands pepsin acid peptic ulcers erosions of the mucosa of a region of the alimentary canal Peptic ulcers are caused by helicobacter pylori peristalsis major means of propulsion peritoneal cavity a slit like potential space peritoneal organs digestive organs that keep their mesentery peritoneum Permanent teeth portal triad a serous membrane visceral surrounds digestive organs parietal lines the body wall 32 erupt by end of adolescence bile duct tributary branch of hepatic portal vein branch of hepatic artery propulsion movement of food rectum defends along the inferior half of the sacrum retroperitoneal organs behind the peritoneum Sallivary glands produce saliva Secondarily retroperitoneal organs secondarily retroperitoneal organs list initially formed within peritoneum fuses to posterior abdominal wall duodenum ascending and descending colon rectum pancreas the secretion of pepsin begins protein digestion Segmentation smooth muscle rhythmic local constrictions of intestine primarily found in walls of viscera elongated fibers one centrally located nucleus grouped into sheets Smooth muscle is innervated by what system ANS Stomach where food is churned into chyme subcostal plane superior horiztonal line sublingual glands lies in floor of oral cavity contains mostly mucous cells submandibular glands lies along medial surface of mandible submucosal nerve plexus is in submucosa signals glands to secrete is innervated by visceral sensory fibers para and sympathetic motor fibers sulcus terminalis marks border between mouth and pharynx Tongue Papillae filiform papillae no taste buds fungiform papillae circumvallate papillae Transtubular plane inferior horizontal line varicosities vermiform appendix release neurotransmitters into a wide synaptic cleft contains lymphoid tissue neutralizes pathogens villi finger like projections of the mucosa Viral

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