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Gen Chem II Lab Exam Study Guide Lab 1 Safety Syllabus 1 What three things five things need to brought to lab every week 2 What are the steps to the Science Writing Heuristic a Safety Glasses b Lab Coat c Lab Notebook d Pen Pencil e Calculator a Key Question b Beginning Ideas c Procedure Tests d Observations e Evidence f Claim g Reading h Writing i Reflection 3 Why is it important to keep a laboratory notebook To document how you arrived at a scientific claim To keep a record of your work so that others can t take credit for it For patent and thesis purposes 4 Who is the audience of a laboratory notebook Other scientists The Lab Supervisor Patenting People People who are interested in your published findings 5 What is the purpose of Scientific Writing Multitude of purposes B c there are many different types of situations that require scientific writing o Professions o Classes o Publications Lab 2 Electric Solutions 6 What are electrolytes Substances that dissolve in water to form solutions that conduct electricity 7 What is the difference between strong and weak electrolytes dissociate into a large fraction of ions and conduct large dissociate into a small fraction of ions and conduct small 8 What types of compound form electrolytes when dissolved in water a Strong Electrolytes amounts of electrical currents amount of electrical currents b Weak Electrolytes a Acids b Bases i Strong strong ii Weak weak i Strong strong ii Weak weak c Soluble Ionic Compound 9 What kind of water should be used to make a solution that contains an electrolyte One should use de ionized water so that the solution contains only ions of the substance compound purposely dissolved in the water and no foreign ions 10 Which concentration of NaOH aq is the stronger electrolyte 0 20M or 0 10M 0 20M NaOH will form the stronger electrolyte because the more particles ions that are present in the solution the more electricity it can conduct Lab 3 Glassware 11 What is the difference between precision and accuracy a Precision b Accuracy is the consistency of a result is the closeness of a result to the true value 12 What do the symbols TC and TD means when displayed on a piece of laboratory glassware and on which pieces of glassware are these symbols displayed a TC to contain i Beakers ii Erlenmeyer Flask b TD to deliver i Pipettes ii Graduated Cylinders 13 Which type of glassware is the most accurate for measuring Volumetric glassware E g volumetric pipettes volumetric flasks Lab 4 Chemical Reactions 14 What is a precipitate reaction of an insoluble compound 15 What is an ionic equation A reaction that occurs in an aqueous environment that results in the production A chemical equation that shows all of the ions that are involved in the reaction plus the solid compound produced 16 What is a net ionic equation A chemical equation that shows only the ions in the reaction that are involved in forming the solid compound 17 What are spectator ions The ions that are not involved in forming the solid compound 18 What is a general qualitative analysis scheme A pictorial representation of the ions present in a solution during each part of an experimental process to precipitate out un wanted components 19 How can you tell if a precipitate is formed during a reaction A solid will appear in the liquid which is indicated by a cloudy chalky solution Lab 5 Ideal Gas Law 20 What is the ideal gas law equation and what do all of the variables stand for a PV nRT b P pressure atm c V volume L d n moles e R ideal gas constant 0 008206 L atm mol K f T temperature Kelvin 21 What is the definition of an ideal gas A gas in which all collisions between atoms or molecules are perfectly elastic and in which there are no intermolecular attractive forces 22 What is STP a Standard Temperature and Pressure b Conditions 0oC and 1 atm c There is no such thing as a gas that acts ideally but at STP some gases can be treated ideally Lab 6 Chemical Reactions III 23 What is a theoretical yield The amount of product that a reaction will yield calculated from a balanced chemical equation 24 What is an actual yield The amount of product that was actually produced by the reaction in an experiment 25 What is percent yield The percent of product that was actually produced by the reaction yield actual theoretical x 100 26 What is a limiting reactant The reactant whose amount determines the amount of product yielded Lab 7 Neutralization Reactions 27 What is the chemical equation for a generic neutralization reaction Acid Base H2O Salt 28 What occurs during a neutralization reaction The hydronium cations that disassociated from the acid bind to the hydroxide anions that disassociated from the base to form water molecules with have a neutral pH 29 What method can be employed in the lab to perform a neutralization reaction Titration adding a known volume of an acidic or basic solution of known concentration from a burette to a basic or acidic solution of unknown concentration in a flask 30 What is an indicator that can be used to determine when the neutralization has occurred a Phenolphthalein b Binds to the basic ions in the solution and turns pink 31 Does the resulting solution always have a pH of 7 Strong Acid Strong Base pH 7 Strong Acid Weak Base pH 7 Weak Acid Strong Base pH 7 Lab 8 Rate of Reaction 32 What are controllable factors that can increase the rate of reaction a Surface Area b Nature of the Reacting Species c Catalyst d Concentration e Temperature 33 What are the units of a reaction rate a Molarity Second 1 b Moles Liter 1 Second 1 Lab 9 Rate of Reaction II 34 What is the rate law equation Rate k Reactant A n Reactant B m 35 How does one find the rate law for a reaction Only by experiment change the concentrations of one reactant while keeping the other concentrations constant and record the time it takes for the reaction to occur One can find the rate constant from this experiment as well Cannot be determined by the balanced equation 36 What is the order of a reaction The exponents of the concentration of the reactants 37 Is the rate of a reaction always dependent on concentration No a zero order reaction doesn t Lab 10 Hard Water Ions 38 What ions are considered hard water ions Mg2 Ca2 39 What was titrated into the water Eriochrome Black T MgCl2 catalyst solution and what did it do to the hard water ions The chelating agent EDTA was added and the Lewis base parts of the molecular structure bound to the hard water ions which changed the color of

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UCF CHM 2045C - Exam Study Guide

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