Week of March 10 IDs 1 Great Humanitarian cid 127 Hoover first used good then used sarcastically cid 127 Didn t do much as president so started saying it sarcastically 2 Bonus Expeditionary Force 3 Hawley Smoot Tariff cid 127 Tarriff to help domestic buying power to protect domestic goods cid 127 Hurts agriculture because they can t export enough cid 127 Helped originally for the heavy industry 4 Agricultural Marketing Act cid 127 Farmers were plagued by paradox of plenty cid 127 Created a federal farm board and distributed extra crops to other places cid 127 Didn t limit production so they produced too much cid 127 Ended up warehousing all of their goods and didn t make money Potential Pop Quiz Question Primary Sources What was the political philosophy of Associationalism How did Hoover s policies reflect this political philosophy Steinbeck The Harvest Gypsies Introduction and first 3 chapters the syllabus says to do the whole thing but we can split it up over two weeks Conservative Response to New Deal cid 127
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