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Jaymie Ticknor Intro Philosophy 1050 Sect 003 24 February 2014 Lecture 11 Justice in Plato s Republic Divine reward good things and Divine punishment bad things Book 1 what is justice and why should we be just morality and justice does not come from within but instead social convention temptation systems of rewards and punishments Plato wants to prove that there is morality within not just social conventions sophists just want power Three Definitions Cephalus definition is an articulation the basic Hesiodic traditional idea of justice divinity gods conception justice means living up to your legal obligations obeying the laws of the land and being honest returning something Socrates uses a counterexample to reject this returning gun to a mad man and bringing potential danger Polemarchus justice means that you owe friends help and you owe enemies harm Socrates says that will lead us to harm the good and help the bad judgment on people are fallible Thrasymachus sophist perspective says justice is nothing more than the advantage of the stronger guiding terms of morality to keep own interest no benefit to the individual just for the people in power Socrates injustice cannot be a virtue because it is contrary to wisdom which is a virtue not in competition with other professionals certain rules which allows services to be placed to benefit the public no such thing as objective justice

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