Key Terms Feminine Mystique Equal Pay Act of 1963 the personal is political consciousness rasing c r groups I Suppression of women A Women aren t paid the same as men are can t get the same jobs as men B Women are marrying and having children younger and younger and staying at home C Institutions are telling women the only way they can find fulfillment is through raising a family and buying a home 1 This message is everywhere D This doesn t fit the reality of most women s lives 1 They are trapped in low wage jobs and most don t want to stay at home 2 Their family needs to incomes to support kids and buy houses E In almost every state in the country men were allowed to punish their wives rape them F Women can t decide if they should get legal political equality first or social change II Liberals A Want equal treatment protection and pay B Educated middle class interested in gradual changes C Betty Friedan 1 Wrote The Feminine Mystique 2 Inspires women in the suburbs to start questioning their lives a lot of women are miserable 3 Leads doctors to diagnose these miserable women because they think they should be happy and fulfilled a Amphetamine uppers 4 Has an amazing education but then gets married and moves to the suburbs and has children a Feels like she s wasting her life is miserable 5 The problem that has no name a Great revelation of her book she doesn t know how to fix it but just wants to identify the problem and make people aware of it D Women read The Feminine Mystique and think about how to create change 1 Women lobby President Kennedy for rights and equality 2 Equal Pay Act of 1963 No employer shall discriminate employees on the basis of sex by paying smaller wages a Kennedy brings this to Congress and it passes b Law isn t effective at first for several reasons women don t have the same jobs as men employers can say they re paying women less because they have less education E Title VII prohibits discrimination by covered employers based on race color religion sex or national origin 1 Wasn t supposed to have sex in it it was added to make sure the bill doesn t pass 2 But the bill does pass and women can use it to start suing people F Enforcement 1 The National Organization of Women NOW 2 Women were frustrated that the laws had changed but nothing had happened 3 Push for the Equal Rights Amendment ERA but it never passes III Radicals A New younger generation hadn t been the housewives had been the daughters B Need to start with faster cultural change first 1 People need to believe in you before you can get political change C Casey Haden and Mary King write Sex and Caste A Kind of Memo 1 Compares women s suppression with black suppression 2 Civil rights movement rejects women D The Personal is Political 1 Their lives matter and are influenced by society and political occurrences deserve discussion 2 Consciousness raising group small group of women get together and talk about the personal and how it s a problem everyone needs to recognize that these issues are affecting everyone and then move to a political solution a Example my husband hits me when he gets home from work create a battered women s shelter 3 They realize that a lot of these problems has to do with the image of women a Need to change how society sees women b Freedom trash can during the Miss America pageant women throw items of suppression into trashcan to protest c Press takes this and runs with it saying women had abandoned all beauty standards don t shave their legs don t wear any make up E Believe that sex is the root of many of the problems cid 127 cid 127 cid 127 cid 127 1 Men think women don t like sex just do it for men and to make babies 2 Need a way to have sex and enjoy it without reproducing 3 Pushes for female contraception 4 Pill puts the woman in control a condom relies on a man 5 Not available for women who are single until 1967 IV Very successful movement
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