C Lend lease instead of selling goods like cash and carry US can lend goods to any country that the safety of that country is crucial to our own safety Key Terms Lend Lease cid 127 Office of Price Administration OPA Four Freedoms Double V Campaign Korematsu v US 1944 I Why did we go to war in WWI A Congress investigated causes B Discovered more people than not didn t want to go to war C A small group of wealthy Americans were making money off war so they convinced the population it was a good idea D Congress passes neutrality laws to stay out of WWII 1 Citizens can t travel on boats through war zones 2 Forbid American ships from being armed II FDR recognizes that we should go to war as early as 1930 A Even though he s aware the general public is opposed to meddling in European affairs 1 Sees the Nazi regime as a threat to Western civilization 2 Cash and Carry other countries travel to US pay cash for goods arms and take it back to their country a Only countries that can get over here are ally countries so in a way we re supporting the allies already 3 September 1940 FDR asks Congress to pass Peacetime Draft 4 Transfers 50 Destroyers to Britain B In FDR s campaign to get re elected he promises we won t go to war 1 Services industrial materials agricultural products ammunitions 2 Allows US to signal that we re supporting one side and not the other D Freezes all Japanese bank accounts in the US 1 Japan and US engaged in a series of negotiations E Not a surprise to anyone that the Americans get involved in WWII the surprise is how it happens 1 Americans had already been aiding one side over the other 2 Pearl Harbor was a surprise III Engaging in WWII A Gov t takes on huge economic role 1 Guarantee profit and cost plus C Income rises during the war 1 Over 1000 triples B To encourage businesses to make war materials gov t throws them incentives 2 But some goods are impossible to find no matter how much you re willing to pay a Items are rationed rubber cars vacuum cleaners refrigerators wire coat hangers toothpaste tubes gasoline D OPA power to freeze prices of goods wages rent and ration items 1 Every person received ration book when war starts to buy goods you had to get book stamped 2 Small percentage of Americans get involved in black market selling extra sugar and gasoline 3 OPA pledge not to pay more than top legal prices and only accepted rationed goods with stamps 4 Frustrating to Americans because now they have money and they can t buy anything E Income tax is raised and more people pay F Puts 17 million people back to work G FDR is concerned about perception of war at home 1 Creates positive propaganda that it s their patriotic duty and no one should discriminate 2 Movie studios create films that support the war it s a peoples war H Womens workplace changes 1 War effort required women to move into positions that were designated for only men before 2 Women had no problem operating machinery like men did 3 This threatened many men in America so they described women s work as temporary a Women loved these jobs they were happy earning high pay disheartened when they have to leave them after war b Women go into military but they re not categorized as military workers not qualified for veterans benefits I Double V Campaign 1 African Americans are still not treated equal by military 2 Pittsburgh Courrier defines Double V Campaign as victory at home and victory abroad a Blacks will fight for America abroad and fight for equality in the workplace at home b First sit ins occur strikes by Blacks occur 3 War offers an opportunity to use language of democracy to push for equality at home cid 127 cid 127 cid 127 cid 127 J Gov t asks Mexican Americans to come back up to US to work 1 After they had been deported earlier 2 Many people are unhappy with these race relations 3 Riots in California Zoot Suits a Soliders believed Mexican Americans were using too much fabric wearing fancy suits and not rationing not supporting the war b Soliders would walk through Mexican neighborhoods violently stripping men wearing these suits H Japanese Americans living on west coast are forced to move to internment camps 1 FDR feared Japanese would gather and attack American citizens 2 Japanese are ordered to leave their businesses and homes 3 Japanese fought against this and brought cases to supreme court a Korematsu v US Supreme Court ruled it was constitutional to move these Japanese into camps
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