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Key Terms cid 127 Great Migration Harlem Renaissance Scopes Trial cid 127 Model T I Conflicts in the 20s A Women have new responsibilities and gender roles 1 Women have a vote 2 Abandon old traditions of dressing a Short dresses short hair 3 More women are going to college work 4 New dating atmosphere B Prohibition Activists 1 Most urban residents reject prohibition and keep drinking 2 Rural residents support prohibition C Hundreds of Race Riots across the nation 1 White mobs kill black citizens 2 Most violence in Oklahoma buildings homes churches are burned 3 Tulsa OK is the best business city for Black Americans a white residents can t handle this 4 19 yr old African American man accused of assaulting white woman in elevator a He s lynched because of this D Great Migration 1 Slow process accelerated during WWI 2 African Americans leave rural South a Before WWI 3 out of 4 Black Americans live in the South 3 City population of blacks grow exponentially 4 Push factors moving blacks out of South a Racial violence KKK b Limited economic opportunities c Mechanical revolution farmers don t need as many workers 5 Pull factors to North a Education and job opportunities are much better in the North 6 Blacks find they are unwelcome in many northern areas a Difficult to get a job b Unwelcome in many social settings c Increasingly confined to all black neighborhoods Harlem Keeps neighborhoods all white E WWI African American Veterans 1 Question their place in society 2 Believe the sacrifice they had done for the nation yields something in return respect 3 Gov t doesn t treat black veterans the same as white veterans 4 War should provide a way to articulate new demands for democracy 5 Black literary scholars argue that culture can change the world not lawsuits or legislation a Launch arts movement Harlem Renaissance b Create new image of Black Americans F Ku Klux Klan 1 Tons of people join in 1920s draws in members from across the country 2 Klan is targeting lots of groups in the 20s a Immigrants b Roman Catholics c Jews d Boot leggers divorcees 5 Mainstream movement 6 Incredible racial violence 3 Chapters in every state across the country not secret anymore 4 Elects 16 US Senators controls 24 state legislatures d Restrictive Covenant impossible for someone to sell their property to someone of a diff race cid 127 cid 127 7 4 million members 1920 but only 30 000 in 1930 a Why the extreme drop b President of KKK kidnaps rapes woman and she dies from her wounds he s arrested c People leave Klan because they realize it s not the organization to bring change to society G Religious revival focused on fundamentalism 1 Protestants had found a way to accommodate Darwin s teachings with the Bible a Conservatives don t agree they believe the Bible is the literal truth 2 Conservatives turn to politics to protect their beliefs 3 Scopes Trial a TN passed a law that you couldn t teach evolution in schools b Scopes purposefully teaches evolution in classroom to be arrested intentionally and brought to trial c Trial tests if it s constitutional to bring religious beliefs into classroom if Scopes broke the law d End up debating whether or not evolution theory is valid within American society Reveals deep schisms in American society II American society to rural citizens urban people care about things that don t matter A Electricity ready made clothes toasters phonograph refrigerators B Cars 1 Ford s Model T introduces assembly line 2 5 day so his workers can buy cars 3 Cars become cheap so the typical family can buy them C GM introduces new way to advertise cars 1 Different colors styles price points yearly model change 2 Becomes expression of status 3 Credit agency buy car in installment plan 4 Important to market product D End of 1920s 27 million cars on the road 1 Revolutionizes the way people behave 2 2 billion year building roads 3 Incredible economic growth 4 1 out of every 12 workers works for automobile industry E New technologies make peoples lives easier a Standard for cleanliness changes b More stuff to clean but drudgery of work changes 2 Women are still the ones doing the household chores III Clash of cultures a Cars destroying families creating tension arguing who gets the car young people can be together privately 1 People argue that it doesn t make lives easier people spend just as much time on chores

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UMD HIST 201 - Conflicts in the 20s

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