Key Terms Roosevelt Corollary White Man s Burden Alfred Thayer Mahan Teller Amendment I European countries were acquiring tons of territories and the US is not engaged A US is worried that they re left out of this global competition and markets and trade B Imperialists argued that underdeveloped nations were key economic partners 1 They were places to sell goods and invest capital 2 They were markets for finished goods 3 They produced necessary raw materials C Many Americans thought they should get involved because they have a mission to uplift the rest of the world 1 People believe the rest of the world is backwards and uncivilized 2 Americans have a duty to share what has made them special to others across the world a White Man s Burden urges the US to get involved in world affairs civilize countries b Becomes a catch phrase II Annexation of Hawaii A Hawaii s economy is becoming dominated by Americans B American companies setting up huge sugar and pineapple plantations C 1863 Americans control 4 5 of all Hawaiian trade D Americans don t want to pay tariffs and want to make sure their trade from Hawaii is protected by American military 1 Therefore they want Hawaii to become an American territory 2 Queen of Hawaii is unhappy tries to tax sugar plantations American businessmen a Businessmen decide to overthrow queen and create their own provisional government b President of the Republic of Hawaii Sanford Dole 3 Convince American military to protect property and lives of American businessmen and invade Hawaii a New government seizes control of 1 75 million acres of land gives it to American businessmen b Puts rules on voting income requirement and must be literate 4 American military invades because businessmen say they are in danger from Hawaiian locals E US Government doesn t want to admit Hawaii because it doesn t approve of what businessmen are doing 1 People are arguing for Hawaii because it is militarily strategic and good location for trade 2 Other people arguing that some country is going to come in and take it so it might as well be us F Government decides to Annex Hawaii in 1900 but doesn t become a state until 1959 1 Uncomfortable feelings in congress about how it became a state 2 Annexed during WWI quietly III Conquering Cuba A Spanish territory B Cuba had been engaged in war with Spain for years to liberate themselves C President McKinley doesn t want to go to war 1 Being pushed by members of congress 2 Americans had put a lot of money into Cuba agriculturally and one of Cuba s main import partners 3 US worried for human rights inhumane treatment of Cubans by Spaniards 4 Sinking of the Maine America blames the Spanish but not actually true 5 McKinley is very pressured to go to war he ultimately sends troops into Cuba D Teller Amendment 1 US will go to war with Spain only to help Cubans not to take islands for ourselves 2 Scares European leaders that US is just liberating country from colonial overlords not keeping country 3 US ends up not leaving Cuba because Cubans can t govern themselves a Cubans are forced to write in their new constitution that US has the right to intervene in their country anytime E Negotiations with Spain IV Philippines 1 US will pay Spain 20 million dollars for Cuba Puerto Rico Guam Philippines A Philippines are not strong enough to stand on their own 1 US promises to help Philippines get rid of Spanish overlords and create independent nation 2 But America wants to keep hold of the Philippines after the conquer Spanish a America wants to Christianize the Philippines we need a foothold in Asia we need to uplift the natives b Damages relationship with Philippines they start fighting Americans c Philippines use guerrilla warfare and American troops aren t prepared to fight this kind of war B New military tactics to fight Philippines cid 127 cid 127 cid 127 cid 127 1 Water boarding burning villages killing innocent people 2 Put Filipinos into camps 3 Not the image Americans have of why we re going to war we re supposedly there to help them C Makes people very uncomfortable with American expansion V Dominican Republic A DR deeply in debt with America and European powers B DR comes up with a solution to sell ports to highest bidder 1 Germany is going to be highest bidder and get a foothold in the Caribbean 2 This worries Americans that Germans will have territory so close to them 3 Devise the Roosevelt Corollary US has ability and right to police actions of people throughout Western Hemisphere
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