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PSY 388 003 GENDER STEREOTYPES APPEARANCE Beauty feminine attribute Physical Attractiveness central part of women s self concept Women are less satisfied with their body appearance and function than men Heavy weight is often linked to low self esteem GENDER STEREOTYPE AGE Gender stereotypes become less pronounced for older people Why do you think this is Maybe they are replaced by age stereotype Example older men women are lonely rigid experienced Is there a double standard in aging for women and men Yes In North America a woman s worth associated with her appearance a man s worth associated with success and wealth o feminine features o masculine features As women age Seen as less feminine Feel losing value Unattractive unfriendly and More anxious about the gaining unintelligent process As men age Seen as distinguishable and having higher social status Experience diminished status when retire or lose job GENDER STEREOTYPES SEXUAL ORIENTATION Homosexuals possess gender role characteristics of the other sex Lesbians often described as masculine Gay men often described as feminine Hypermasculine men Hyperfeminine women hold negative attitudes about homosexuality Violation of social role Gay seen as feminine this would be consider a violation of social role for a hypermasculine hyperfeminine individual GENDER STEREOTYPE DISABILITY Disability stereotype may emphasize dependence for women Seen even more dependent PSY 388 003 Disabled men are viewed less favorably than disabled women Why do you think this is Violation of norm Men are independent agentic and now seen as dependent weak Disabled women and men sometimes stereotyped as asexual GENDER STEREOYPES STATUS Occupations lose status as they become dominated by women Occupations gain status as they become dominated by men For example Cooking vs Chef NEGATIVE EFFECTS OF STEREOTYPING Stereotype Threat The fear of being negatively stereotyped Influences women and ethnic minorities to perform more poorly o Example Experiments Group of African Americans one stereotype was activated African Americans scored poorly on exams Focused on not making errors instead of answering the questions o Example Women are just not good at math stereotype experiment group Control group stereotype not activated Focus has shifted o Self prophecy PREJUDICE Negative Positive attitudes toward people or their activities based on group membership Evaluative component meaning we make judgments attitudes SEXISM SEXISM the negative evaluation of persons or their activities because of their sex Can be used against females or males Both women and men can be o Judged harshly o Not be taken seriously o Deprived from opportunities because they are women or because they are men SEXISM OUT WITH THE OLD IN WITH THE MODERN Old Fashioned Overt Openly endorses stereotypic judgments Endorse the idea that men and women should be treated differently Example Women should stay home and look after their families instead of working PSY 388 003 Sexist attitude idea Study example may be on test OLD FASHIONED HOSTILE SEXISM Hostile Sexism Negative attitudes toward women o Women are just not naturally good at math o Women are naturally good at taking care of children SEXISM OUT WITH THE OLD IN WITH THE MODERN Modern Neosexism Subtle Characterized by a denial that women are still targets of discrimination Resistance toward women s demands and lack of support for policies designed to improve women s status Affirmative action has made it so that it is much easier for women to get jobs and get promoted than it is for men MODERN SEXISM BENEVOLENT SEXISM Benevolent Sexism Positive attitudes that serve to belittle women and keep them subservient Women need to be protected Women are delicate HOLDING THE DOOR FOR THE OPPOSITE SEX CHIVALRY OR SEXISM These are the questions you should ask yourself o Do you hold the door regardless of one s gender o As a woman do you expect a man to hold the door Why o Do you feel offended whether or not the person holds the door for you Why Are these feelings due to a breach in expectation Violation of social norm Assumption of needing special attention cannot do it by oneself sexist Just because holding doors in your relationship is OK does not make it OK in your encounters with others You can t apply this to every encounter you can t expect others to hold the door for you What is the motivation behind feeling the way you do or your reaction DO YOU THINK THAT MEN EXPERIENCE SEXISM Yes If a man does not live up to the expectations of traditional masculinity may experience benevolent sexism PSY 388 003 Can be very harmful o Be a man take charge o Translation that man is not living up to their gender expectation Maternalism men need to be taken care of o He can t cook for himself so I have to do it o I have to clean after him because men are just not clean Men are capable of taking care of themselves but society considers them to be needy Stereotypes Cognitive Prejudice Evaluative Discrimination Behavioral TWO APPROACHES TO THE MEASUREMENT OF FEMINITY MASCULINITY Uni dimensional Approach Masculinity Femininity Two Dimensional Approach Masculinity Low High Femininity Low High Masculinity and femininity were measured on the same continuum You can have both masculine feminine traits WHAT ABOUT ANDROGYNY ANDROGYNY having both feminine and masculine aspects of oneself Example Tilda Swinton Florence Welch David Bowie CONSIDERING DIVERSITY Reexamining masculinity and femininity Across cultures in the U S Across cultures around the world All ethnic groups include these concepts but Vary by ethnic group Vary by geography LET S CONSIDER U S Australia StereotypesCognitivePrejudiceEvaluativeDiscriminationBehavioral PSY 388 003 2 gender system women men Jichitan Mexico Muxe third gender the culture India Pakistan Hire third gender Indonesia o Males who take on feminine characteristics and roles it s respected among o Anatomically male take on feminine gender roles or sexual roles The Bugis culture 3 Sexes female male intersexed meaning has both genitals 4 Genders women men calabai and calalai o Calabai anatomically male take on many roles expectation of women o Calalai anatomically female take on many expected roles as men Bissu a fifth meta gender anatomically intersexed externally male internally female vice versa

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