AMH2020 July 10th Chapter 33 Election 1936 Roosevelt Reelection Context Stock Market Crash of 1929 o Defeated Hoover in 1932 o National Fear Roosevelt inaugurated March 4 1933 Let me assert my firm belief that the only thing we have to fear is fear itself Emergency Congress 100 Day Congress o 15 major bills Relief Recovery Reform o Emergency Banking Relief Act Allowed banks to reopen and for FDR to regulate banking transactions and foreign exchange Went on radio and told everyone it was safe to put money into the bank o Beer and Wine Revenue Act Levied a federal tax on all alcoholic beverages Gave individual states to make further laws about beer and wine Greatly helped economy 21st Amendment nullified 18th Amendment o Unemployment Relief Act Created Civilian Conservation Corps CCC Parks were created safe drinking water recreation roads improved slow and labor intensive Construction fire prevention irrigation wildlife enhancement fencing Different races religions education All were in poverty Set up for young men teens o Agricultural Adjustment Act AAA Established Agricultural Adjustment Administration AAA Farm mortgage assistance Regulated supply o Homeowners Refinancing Act Give loans to one million house owners o National Industrial Recovery Act Created the National Recovery Administration and Public Works Administration o Glass Steagall Act FDIC Assured assists of banks up to 3 000 If someone had 3 000 and put it into the bank and the bank failed the FDIC was insurance that would make sure they got paid Tennessee Valley Authority Act TVA Hydroelectricity available to rural communities Not for profit cooperatives developed to Distribute electricity Flood control of the Tennessee River New Deal Continued Wagner Act o Fair Labor Relations o Also known as Fair Labor Relations o Allowed to create unions and organize o More freedom Social Security Act o Social Security Insurance o People would pay out of paycheck towards an insurance policy that would give them money when the retired pension o Employer would pay as well o Many believed it was unconstitutional FDR s Opposition Assassination attempt o February 15 1933 o Anarchist apprehended tried convicted and later electrocuted Father Charles Coughlin o Michigan Catholic Priest o Sought Social Injustice o Controversial o Anti New Deal o Blamed all of troubles on international bankers Jews the press communism and Roosevelt o Radio celebrity had a huge following Dr Francis E Townsend California physician His idea to fix everything was to give everyone over 60 200 a month The 200 had to be spent NOT saved every month Biggest supporters people over 60 Senator Huey P Long From Louisiana Share the Wealth Program Made connections between fascism and economic crisis o Caused the crisis and manipulating the money supply to make people poor and keep money down Big following people thought he would defeat FDR in 1936 election Assassinated in 1935 Liberty League Liberty League o Democrats Al Smith and John Davis formed this group o Anti New Deal o Thought too much government o 1934 Supreme Court Continued to question FDR More Critics from the Socialist Party o Leader Norman Thomas Communist Party o 75 000 by 1938 Upton Sinclair o EPIC End poverty in Cali o 1934 CA Gubernatorial campaign Official Candidates FDR Democrat Alfred E Landon Republican William Lemke Union o Coughlin Long Norman Thomas Socialist The Campaign Fireside Speeches Criticism received full press coverage Press silent on Roosevelt issues The Results FDR 523 Alfred 8 Lemke 0 Thomas 0 Significance 1 Landslide victory 2 African American Vote went to the Democrats for the 1st time ever 3 Confidence restored
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