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Chapter 12 Psychoanalysis after Freud Neo Freudians Object Relations and Current Research 1 Objectives Discuss how Freud s theory has been reinterpreted and altered by neo Freudians Discuss important elements of several neo Freudian theories Discuss current research on attachment theory Identify propositions of psychoanalytic theory that have been empirically supported 2 Developments in Psychoanalysis Many people are still trying to prove Freud was wrong Many people strongly hate him as a person 3 Neo Freudians Common themes in neo Freudian thought Reinterpretation of the libido More emphasis on conscious thought and interpersonal relationships Less emphasis on instincts 4 Alfred Adler Inferiority and Compensation Thought Freud focused too much on sex Social interest the desire to relate positively and productively with other people More important than sex Organ inferiority motivated to attain equality or superiority over other people to compensate for weakness in childhood 5 Adler Inferiority and Compensation Type of overcompensation masculine protest Need to show power 6 Carl Jung The Collective Unconscious Collective unconscious memories and ideas that all humans share Archetypes core ideas of how people think about the world both consciously and unconsciously Examples mother earth hero devil Appear in dreams fantasies mythology and modern literature 7 Mandalas circular symbols that contain pathways to the center Jung believed these were archetypes for the self Left Tibet Right Native American Carl Jung Persona Persona Everyone s persona is false to some degree Possible danger Anima and animus Prototype of a women in the mind of a man Each man has his own way of thinking about this Prototype of a man in the mind of a woman Cause a masculine side and a feminine side in everyone Shape responses to the other sex 9 Carl Jung Personality Introverts vs extraverts psychologically turned inward vs outward Ways of thinking rational feeling sensing and intuiting Everyone varies in the way that they think People vary in a way that predominates The Myers Briggs Type Indicator 10 Karen Horney Horn eye Feminine Psychology Disagreed with penis envy and women s desire to be male Basic anxiety influences adult behavior Neurotic contradictory needs 11 Erik Erikson Psychosocial Development Many conflicts are conscious Conflicts arise at various stages of life 12 Object Relations Theory Objects emotionally important people Object relations theory the analysis of interpersonal relationships We relate to others via the images of them in our minds The images do not always match reality Most active area at present 13 Latter Day Issues and Theorists Object Relations Theory Four principal themes Every relationship has elements of satisfaction and frustration The mix of love and hate Distinction between parts of the love objects and the whole person The psyche is aware of and disturbed by these contradictory feelings 14 Latter Day Issues and Theorists Object Relations Theory Theories based on work with children Play therapy Allows symbolic expression of emotions Transitional objects object to college Do you know anybody who brought a transitional The false self used to please others Prevent exposure of true self 15 Current Psychoanalytic Research Attachment Theory Based on idea of transference importance of parental relationships Consistency of attachment styles is empirically supported Opposites too clingy vs dismissive 16 Psychoanalysis in Perspective It s difficult to evaluate the theory Five neo Freudian propositions that are firmly established and supported 1 2 3 17 Psychoanalysis in Perspective 4 5 Psychological development involves moving from an immature and self centered state to 18 Question 1 According to Karen Horney why do women envy men a Men have penises b Men do not have the burden of bearing c Men have more freedom to pursue their children interests d Men do not have basic anxiety 19 Question 2 Erikson s theory of development whereas Freud s theory a focuses on childhood covers the entire life span b focuses on conscious social conflicts focuses on the location of mental energy c is based on unconscious conflict is based on the structure of society d All of the above 20 Question 2 According to object relations theory a interpersonal relationships are very important b the objects we form to represent people are always realistic c it is possible for a relationship to be entirely good d observing a child at play is not a good way to diagnose the child s problems 21

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OSU PSYCH 3530 - Psychoanalysis after Freud

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