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Terms to Know Crimes Mala in se Mala prohibita Dark figure of crime Criminogenic Inchoate offense Misdemeanors Civil infractions Felonies Entrapment Double jeopardy Discretion Differential response Clearance rate Search Seizure Jurisdiction Frankpledge Appellate Courts Affidavit Stop Arrest Reasonable suspicion Probable cause Federalism Cases Gideon v Wainwright Tennessee v Garner Miranda v Arizona Terry v Ohio Chimel v California Topics Concepts Chapter 1 Chapter 2 Crime control v due process model 3 goals of the Criminal Justice System of cases resolved through plea bargains Criminal Justice Wedding Cake model 4 Characteristics of the Criminal Justice System 6 types of crimes example of crimes that fall under each Visible Crime 3 types and other names for this type of crime Difference between Classical and Positivist approaches to crime Cesare Beccaria Cesare Lombroso UCR NIBRS NCVS 3 types of Positivist approaches Examples of sociological approach Crime rate since 1980s 3 major aspects of American policing evolving from this tradition Chapter 3 Chapter 4 Substantive v procedural criminal law Model Penal Code 7 principles of criminal law 2 types of defenses the subcategories of each 5 insanity defense standards 4th 5th 6th 8th 14th Amendments 4 Eras as well as their order Where do the roots of American policing lie Sir Robert Peele General requirements to be an officer Types of stress faced by officers First city to have a full time paid police force Examples of federal agencies 3 functions of police officers J W Wilson s 3 styles of policing Chapter 5 5 types of patrol CompStat what it is where it began Koper Curve 5 factors influencing use of discretion 2 forms of abuse of power Grass eaters v meat eaters NIJ summary of conclusions about use of force Kansas City Preventive Patrol Experiment Chapter 6 Chapter 7 Exclusionary rule two exceptions Plain view doctrine Stop v arrest which is needed for each reasonable suspicion v probable cause When are majority of searches conducted Stop and frisk Miranda Rights Rules 6 types of warrantless searches Difference between an adversarial and an inquisitorial process Which is used in the US

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UMD CCJS 100 - Terms to Know

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