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HDFS 129 Dr Corneal Exam 3 Material Identity 2 27 14 o A persistent sameness within one s self and a sharing of one s essential character Three most important characteristics in adolescent friendships with others o Intimacy o Mutual understanding o Loyalty Identity issues o Vocational issues o Political ideology o Spiritual ideology o Self in relation to others o Sexual identity o Ethnic identity o Interests o Body image o Crisis alternatives o Commitment The process of identity formation involves A period of role experimentation and active exploration of possibilities or Making a choice among alternatives Identity statuses o Identity achievement Commitment made and crises experienced Gone through many crises and explored possibilities and have made some commitments The individual has resolved his her identity crisis and made commitments to particular goals beliefs and values o Identity moratorium Most college students No commitment made and is experiencing crises The individual is actively raising questions and seeking answers Enduring commitments have not been made o Identity foreclosure Commitment made and no crises experiences No exploration The individual seems to know who she he is but has latched onto an identity prematurely without exploration o Identity diffusion No commitment made and no crises experienced The person has not yet thought about or resolved identity issues and has failed to chart directions in life Not sure who they are and not concerned often take on values of those around them o Most adolescents move from foreclosure or diffusion to either achieved or moratorium between mid teens and mid twenties o One can be in a different identity status for various identity domains Relationship between parenting style and identity status o Authoritative democratic parenting correlated with identity achievement Give children an appropriate voice while providing guidance o Authoritarian parenting correlated with identity foreclosure Strict their word is final child has no voice Take on parents identity without any exploration of their own o Permissive parenting correlated with identity diffusion Achievement and moratorium statuses o Higher self esteem o Feel more in control o View education more favorably o More capable of sustaining intimate relationships Foreclosure status o Dogmatic rigid defensive o Fear rejection Diffusion status o Less capable of intimacy o Avoid making personal decisions o Poor academic performance o Poor time management o More likely to abuse drugs and alcohol

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