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HDFS 129 Dr Corneal 3 20 14 Intimacy Open supportive tender relationship with another without fear of losing one s self Isolation Self absorption fear of losing one s self Adolescent friendships o Female friendships o Male friendships face to face Emphasis on self disclosure emotional connection A lot of talking relationship talk side by side Emphasis on cooperation leadership and competition Males less likely to enjoy relationship talk Adult friendships o Males compared to females Demonstrate more competitiveness Less agreement Less self disclosure Self disclosure levels in friendships o Lowest male male friendships o Higher male female friendships o Highest female female friendships In heterosexual marriage males most often name their wives as their best friends while women name another female as their best friend Divorce and widowhood are typically more emotionally devastating for men than women o Because men are also losing their best friend Identity intimacy o Males are more likely than females to enter into a committed relationship after career plans have been made o Clarification of interpersonal relationships precedes career plans for women Relationships are at the forefront from women o Women marry at a younger age than men o Women initiate divorce more often than men o A positive correlation exists between our ability to be intimate as adults and our attachment in infancy o Based on the research of Phil Shaver UC Davis 55 of adults are securely attached can easily feel close to others and are comfortable depending on them Expect partner to be available and attuned 20 are insecure anxious not trusting cling to partner experience jelousy and are overly dependent 25 are insecure avoidant uncomfortable being emotionally close feel uncomfortable with emotional expression and find intimacy unpleasant How do we foster healthy relationships o 1 Mutual empathy emotional responsitivity o 2 Mutual authenticity relational honesty 5 good things that healthy relationships provide o 1 Aliveness zest o 2 Empowerment o 3 Knowledge about other and self o 4 Sense of worth o 5 Sense of greater connection

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PSU HDFS 129 - Notes

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